You can go home now

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With that being said that's what we started doing. Fighting the pirates left and right, trying no to get recaptured in the process now that everyone was free to do as they pleased. However, with pirates really only caring about one thing, this battle was easy as pie. The littlest one was sat down onto the treasure chest, and with our sling shots we found it easy enough to pick up the gold pieces and fire them off the ship.

All the lost boys including myself and our lost girl Jane with all our sling shots we began firing the gold and gems and things off the ship and into the ocean. And like the cod fish they are jumped off the ship into the water to get their precious gold. Each and every last one of them. While Peter and Hook fought. Then Jane got involved, and she was fighting with him.

Somehow it got to the point where they were up top on the edge where if either fell off they could fall and hurt themselves and worse case die. Which we didn't want to happen to really either of them. But when it looked like that Jane had nowhere to go, that it looked like she had lost, it wasn't over yet. We were all worried about what was gonna happen, but luckily at one point or another she used to love our stories as she was writing her own, and knew her mother's stories. She remembered this part by heart.

In the story it was Peter against Hook a story Wendy had told her, and her brother many times before. How it looked like Peter was at his end, with Hook's hook over him like he was getting ready to hurt him, as if he ever could. But he can never win as long as we have faith, trust and pixie dust. And as Jane trust fell off the edge, she was covered in pixie dust and was able to fly away.

We were very glad of that. We all were flying around now, and once Hook was off the boat with his crew and that was left was a little row boat where the rest of the crew had taken shelter, Peter dropped Hook's anchor down after him. I *gasp* Peter you're gonna drown him I scold. All is fair in love in war, he was gonna drown me too. Besides I would never let that happen, they still have the row boat now, even if their ship is sinking.

It's not like they'll drown or can't swim. No one's gonna get hurt. You worry too much. Leave the worrying to the grown ups. That's adult stuff. But with Hook's hat in hand he makes a teasing prince bow resting it on his head as he reminds Hook that a good captain always goes down with his ship. I'll get you Pan children, if its the last thing I do. Heard that one before haven't we?

Next time we encounter I will. Cause next time I'll have your sister with me. Then I'll have all three of you Pan children. I'd like to see you try. Goodbye Killian. I wave out to him. See you soon. Goodbye my dear, and yes that is a promise. Safe travels when you go back home. Tell your sister hello for me send my love. I will.

We fly away in victory as we all chant over and over that they're codfish, and as if to prove it the octopus comes back and that's all he can see, all the pirates turn into codfish as he licks his lips and chases after them as they row away. We find ourselves on a little piece of land as the 3 of us fly up doing Peter's little roster call thing. As Jane and I come back down all the lost boys cheer for her. Peter and Tink are happy, but then Tink reminds him that Jane can go home now.

I look up at him when he frowns, Jane follows my lead. What's the matter Peter? Yeah brother of mine why the wrong face? Killian is gone again for now, he'll probably go home and return to Emma and figure out away how to plan his revenge on you. I tease. He gives me a sad smile running a hand through his hair.... You can fly now Jane you can go home. And not to mention that BTW Farrah could've taken you home this entire time, and Farrah you didn't have to stay, sure Killian kidnapped you, but you could've gone back home. And when Jane said she wanted to go home you could've taken her, you have magic, you can help her fly.

Not without pixie dust. I said shaking my head. Well Tink would've been able to help you with that, or you could've flown her back yourself. But of course I wouldn't go back to Main, Main isn't my home, it's my "home." Neverland is my home. Then I grabbed his hands.... Peter you're my home. Home is with you, home is where the heart is and my heart belongs here to Neverland. I love you too. He said pulling me in to hug me. Not what I said. You might as well had.

I'm gonna miss this. I mumbled. Then stay he says playing with my hair. I can't. Not yet. Mom, dad and Britney have a plan. One I believe is coming really soon. Soon's not soon enough. He says shaking his head. I'm sorry Peter. Not your fault. I'll be back soon. I know. For now let's get Jane back home. Do we have too?

Yeah, do you have too? The lost boys whine and complain. They all blubber and cry telling Jane that they'll miss her like a lot. And I'll miss you too all of you, all and every single last one of you, but there's someone back home that needs me. Someone that needs me to go home and tell him stories, and guess what? She giggles smiling. I've got plenty to tell him, and they're all about Peter and Farrah Pan and their lost boys.

All the boys cheer, and Peter's smile brightens his face lights up with joy. Well then it that case it would be my great honor to escort you back home. He says tipping Hook's hat and doing a very prince like bow with his overdue manners. As she curtseys back at him saying that it would be her pleasure. Well, give me your best shot Tink. Soon everyone's flying and we're all off to London.

And now Jane is back in her room safe and sound. She's in her room, with the Peter doll laying next to her even if previously she'd tossed it at the floor in the beginning. She wakes up, and rubs her eyes. Flashback thoughts: Hang onto it, when you go home and you find it in your hand you'll remember that it really happened that it wasn't just a dream.

She *gasps* and opens her hand. Farrah Pan's necklace?! I still have it! It really truly wasn't a dream! OMG, how will I ever get it back to her?! I feel like I've got her life in my hands, she can't do magic without it. She seemed weak without it. But as she looks out the window she realizes that no time has passed since she's left. She frowns at the thought at not being able to see us again, but her eyes light up at the next person whose voice and figure she hears, placing the locket around her neck for now.

Jane I had a bad dream.... A little boy's voice calls to her. And Jane couldn't be happier to see her little brother again. Especially after the dreaded horrible fight they would've just had what would seem like Earth time a couple hours ago, but to her seems more like she hadn't spoken to or seen her family in several days. And on that happy note, I leave you here.

Lost Sister: Final ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now