I'm back

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She picks her brother up happy to see him. She smiles and laughs asking him if it was about Hook and his pirates again. After hearing all the fuss and commotion her mother comes out of her room, rubbing her tired eyes, as they're wide with worry, wondering what the matter was.

She gave her mother a big hug. Mother you were most certainly right, they truly are remarkable just like you said. Who Jane? Her mother asks her. We can fight them off together Danny, just like we used to. Jane tells her brother going on about pirates.

She begins to tell her brother her tale of what had happened. Jane? Her mother asks her, making Jane pause in her story. Yes mother? Where on Earth did you get that locket? Oh this silly thing? She asks taking it off from around her neck and handing to her mother, its Farrah Pan's necklace.

Yes, that much I know dear. How did you get it? She let me hang onto it, just in case when I got back that I'd think it had all been a dream. And because I have it I know it was all real. I'm sorry mother, I never should've said the things I did. I'm sorry Daniel, but guess what I have a new story to tell you now, I call it the time I became Neverland's official ever lost girl.

Just like you've always wanted huh Jane? Her mother questioned. Jane was busy telling Daniel her story, when there was jingle of bells, and Wendy went into the bedroom and heard a faint sh coming from the always open window, as she peered outside wondering if she heard what she thought she'd heard.

Wendy? Hello Peter and Farrah Pan. She giggled smiling brushing a strand of hair behind her hair. You've changed. Peter said in disappointment. Not really, and not ever. She reminded him turning his face towards her. I'm still me I'm still Wendy, still the same girl that told her brothers Peter and Farrah Pan stories, that wanted to never grow up.

I still remember Farrah's performance to this day as if it were yesterday. I hear your songs all the time you know. They're as timeless as you are. I sing them to my children all the time. I look at my scrapbook all the time, show my children the pictures. I'm just glad my husband believes in you himself as well or he might've thought I was crazy.

Can't have that can we? I question shaking my head giggling. Oh and Tinkerbelle, it's good to see you again. Tink grows in size. I can say the same to you too Wendy Darling. Even though at first we didn't like each other and at first I wasn't crazy about Jane, but we got her to believe in things again, to try not to grow up so fast anymore.

Mother is that the Pan children? Janes asks carrying Daniel over. Is that Farrah and Peter Pan? He asks in awe. The one and only. He says tipping his hat. Perhaps the more times you come to Neverland like your mom, you and Daniel both, we can create our own memories, and you and my sister can make one of those Earthling scrapbooks like she and Farrah did all those years ago.

Oh, Farrah Pan? Jane calls to me. Your family locket. Thank you Jane Darling. One sec.... I'll give you your first scrapbook item. And I almost forgot, I've been taking real photographic pictures from your trip in my mind, that I've started a scrapbook for you. The more times you come, the more stories you'll have and the more memories you'll have to put into it.

What item? I blow on my necklace, now this one isn't magic, but it looks like the original. I say creating a carbon copy of my necklace, putting it around her neck. There, now you have a piece of me wherever you go, and you'll be able to pass it down to your children when you grow up and have some of your own to go on Neverland adventures. Thank you Farrah Pan, she tells me throwing her arms around me.

Goodbye Darling family. Goodbye Pan children, they say waving to us. We'll always believe in you Peter and Farrah Pan Jane calls out to us. Down below we were all happy to notice and to see a happy exchange come to be, as a green truck pulled right up to the house. We might not have had the ability to bring a family back together, but we're gonna take the credit for it anyways. Jane and her mother were both thrilled to say the least that their father/husband were finally home.

Come on Farr's its time that we went home too. He says ruffling my hair, come on Tink he gestures to her, as she shrinks back to fairy size. As we head out.... Something on your mind? You seem happy? He teases. I should be I need one to fly I shrug. What's up? Same deal as it was all those years ago, and every time I come to visit, I'm only staying for a week Neverland time. I playfully scold reminding him.

Yeah, yeah. However, we better be carful when we get back. I chuckle. Whys that? He asks. Emma's coming to Neverland, seems like Killian recruited her and if we get captured we're doomed. What makes you say that? He asks his face going pale. I pull out my phone, and show him the text from our sister.

Message: Hey, looks like you're not here right now, home or Neverland, which will soon be home again for all of us, as we go back and forth to Main and Neverland all our immortal lives, but this time its just me and Killian has told me all about your guys adventures, and that he wants to capture Peter, and make him feel sorry for all the things he's ever done to him. And that he wouldn't mind capturing you, and so, when you come back be careful, my fiancé has recruited me and if you're captured, you're BOTH doomed. Nothing like a little fun and games, and "revenge" on Killian's part when your big sister comes to visit. Cause, of course as your older sister, I know you guys secret, and like mother like son, like brother like sister like sister we've all got the same weakness. All the Pan children, plus Henry. ;) Can't wait for us all to be one be happy family. xoxo love your big sister. Warn Peter when you all come home.

Great! He says rolling his eyes. Maybe we'll be presently surprised by the end of this whole thing, and maybe he and his crew will also be. It does everything we all agreed on. Not to hurt, or harm in anyway of each other, but he promised to try and torture me. We'll have to be careful, but still have fun when we get back. And then get our own revenge when its all over, when we capture them again after this whole thing.

I wonder how long that will take, for us all to get captured by Hook and his crew. We won't if we're careful enough. And I mean all of us. He says to me. Yeah, yeah. I'm not exactly looking to become a giggly mess, by anyone's hand, not yours or Tink, or Jade, no ones, and I know the same goes for you as well. I tease sticking my tongue out. As I fly faster.

Farrah come back! He calls after me chasing after me laughing. I knew we'd get captured at one point or another, or that only because he'd try to steal his stuff again and have traps set for us. He's got to be, after all I do believe he mentioned that he wasn't gonna try on his own to not be successful and make it backfire on him. Our next chapter will be an interesting tale. But its what the girls both want, the boys acting like family pretending to try and get along, getting it all out now before they're family. Sounds as good as any idea to me.

Well so long for now.

Lost Sister: Final ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now