So to be one of us

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Don't worry sis we're gonna help you and Tink get better. You're gonna get better. I promise. Not unless.... Sh, sh. I know, I have to make Jane believe somehow. Don't speak Farrah. Just rest. I let out a noise of a breath like in T.V. shows or movies when someone makes the noise of a dying breath, or a becoming unconscious breath and then a grunt of pain.

He sweeps back my hair and kisses my forehead. The boys were so worried. So, Peter how are we gonna make Jane believe? I'm not sure. I mean it's always been easy for us. Say that's it! We have to make Jane one of us. All: But she's a girl?! The boys all complain in sync. Come on guys so are Tink and Farrah. That's different she's a Neverland citizen, she's your sister and Tink. That doesn't count.

You guys wanna help 'em though right? All: Uh huh! Then we gotta do it. They spit shake on it. Meanwhile.... Jane is hiding away she's ran away from us, she comes across Hook who complains that he wants to go home. That he misses our sister that he's homesick. I have no magic portal beans left so I need a different way to get back. What's that you've got in your hand?

Supposedly your sister in law's family necklace. Now wasn't that sweet of her? You know I bet those girls of her miss her as well. Don't you think she'd like to go back home and see them, to see her family? Peter doesn't want her to go. He'd never let her leave. He'd be heartbroken. And since you don't believe in any of this, she can't fly she can't go home, so the only other option is for me to take you home.

But I can't go anywhere without my treasure, and Peter stole it from me. Besides its not like he's using it. Fine, I suppose I can help you get it back. Lovely! But.... You must swear not to harm a single hair on either one of the Pan children. I'm already keeping that promise due to my fiancé. So, you have my word, and Captain Hook never goes back on his word. So, when you find the treasure just give this whistle a wee toot.

You're doing the right thing my dear, after all we're each other's only way back home. Back to our loved ones. If you can't fly home you'll need a proper ship to get back home. Then he disappeared as if he wasn't even there. Now Peter and the lost boys were looking everywhere and anywhere for Jane and vice versa.

When they tried to apologize to each other Peter covered her mouth to tell him what their plan was. Her eyes widened. Jane suggested that they play a game a treasure hunt game. And that if she was gonna play a game with them she'd have to act and think like a lost boy. Just tell me what to do she told them. 

And now I think Jane was starting to feel guilty about what she had agreed to. That maybe she had misjudged us that she'd made a mistake. That maybe we weren't really so bad after all. She was having fun, and she had found the treasure. She took out the flute and threw it. She didn't want to go through with it. Perhaps now she wanted to stay. They had just made all her dreams come true she'd always wanted to be the very first lost girl, and now she had been crowned the very first lost girl.

Too bad at the end the littlest one found the whistle and blew it. Hook's gang came out of nowhere, and Peter and the boys got kidnapped. Jane? Wait, no wait stop please?! She begged. I never meant for it to.... You promised no one would get hurt. Oh but of course. And no one has gotten hurt. How could I lay such a harmful hand on my brother in law or rather soon to be that is? He said grabbing his face. Peter pulled away.

No, I'll just have to torture him and take my revenge some other way. Men take them away. Peter please I didn't agree to any of this. You're a traitor Jane you lied to me! And because you don't believe in fairies or magic Tink's light's gonna go out and because you don't believe in magic Farrah can't get better she could get weak stay sick and die! I know neither of the two of you care about me, but I thought you'd both at least care about my sister!

I'll save you Peter I will. I'll fix everything I promise! No one can save them now my dear. Goodbye Jane. Jane came back to the HQ to see Tink and I. My face was sickly pale I looked dead and Tink's light was dim, almost completely gone. She had to do something to fix this. 

Lost Sister: Final ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now