You can't go home that way

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Jane was checking off things on her list and telling me where to put things. Her raft was all set up and she had oars and everything. I almost felt like telling her that she couldn't get home that way, but I didn't because she wouldn't believe me even if I did.

Why are you helping me? Don't you want me to stay here too? She asked me not looking up from what she was doing. Actually no, it would be nice yes, but I'm on the same boat you are. I can't stay even if I wanted to. This is where I'm from, but I didn't grow up here I live in Main, in a foster home.

I suppose in a town with a catchy little play on words kind of name similar to the word Storybook? You've heard of it? I know strange things happen down there yes. Well Jane when all the people in the town came here the only person that believed was my nephew Henry. He had a book of fairytales and was gonna prove to the people in the town that they were the people from the book.

His mom our sister is Snow White and prince charming's daughter and is gonna marry Captain Hook soon. We're her siblings. The mayor of the town is the Evil Queen and his foster mother. I have little girls I need to get back to. They need me I'm their Peter and their my lost boys.

Our foster mom used to be evil just like in Annie, but the mayor Regina she put a special magic in some chocolate and made her nice. Now my parents are planning on adopting all the girls in the foster home and bringing us to Neverland so that we can all be one big happy family. But we'll be connected to Main since people in the town can't leave the town if you try to leave bad things happen to you. They happened to my sister when she first went there, but the only reason that Henry could leave was to bring my sister to Main.

She's the savior, her first boyfriend was Rumpelstiltskin's son and now goes by Neil he's Henry's father his father he goes by Gold now and he's married to Belle from Beauty and the Beast his dad had a spell cast on him that turned him into an evil version of my brother but they killed him off a while back ago now. In the town they were under a curse until our sister got there. Time never changed the clock time never moved the crickets never made music no time moved forward until Emma came to Main to Storybook.

I know it sounds ridiculous but its all true. If the pictures in your mom's book had really all been photoshopped we'd all have to be real anyways for that to be possible. Look. Peter and I and all our family have one. I opened my locket. Farrah, Emma, and Peter Pan children of Snow White and David Charming. These are real people. Peter and his lost boys might look cartoonish like they do in the movies but we're all real.

She frowns and looks at my necklace. It's a long story. I said to her as I took off my necklace. But its all true. This I said putting it into her hand is the proof. If this was all a dream, you'd still wake up with my necklace in your hand and you'd wonder where you got it from. Have you ever heard that song lost boy? Or Stay? Yes it plays all the time. I wrote them. For a choir thing at my school. When I sang Lost Boy I had to prove that my family really was my family that I wasn't a liar or making up tale tales because I'd been accused of doing that before.

I got into so much trouble because of it, but because of this necklace my mother realized I was her daughter. Hang onto it for me. This is the reason that I'm helping you because I have family of my own that I miss and that miss me and soon we'll all be one big happy family. What happened to you how come you didn't grow up here?

Hook's dad kidnapped me and my parents my parents were supposed to be dead in the world I grew up in and not exist where I'm really from and paid Britney my foster mother not let me get adopted since I could only be adopted by my parents. There's a video of it happening in some things of mine. I had a to take pictures to prove with my songs that it was all true. I have a best friend Jade that's my partner in crime kind of like my Tinkerbell she came during the time that I found out Peter was my brother.

All the proof I needed was the necklace and Hook saw it around my neck and told me he knew who I was. And that Peter and his shadow have been searching for Farrah who is now me since I was first taken. I used to go by Freya. And only Neverland citizens shadows can rip away, since mine could that was more proof. I also have wings of my own. Watch. Snowflake.

Look you almost have me believing you, but this could also just be one big realistic dream. I need to go home. I'm sorry. She says trying to hand it back to me. Hang onto it for me. You'll understand someday. Hopefully real soon. I close up my wings. Jane, why do you want to go home so bad? Peter asks her. Like I just told your sister because I've got a family of my own and I need to go home.

Why he asks her again. I don't want to talk about it. Why not he asks again. If you really must know I got into a fight with my little brother. About what? I told him you weren't real. What? Why?! Oh IDK she complains throwing her hands in the air. I've got to get back home. Jane wait. Well goodbye Pan children duty calls. It was very nice to meet you both. She tells us getting onto her boat, but it sinks.

Oh, no I'll never get back home. But, Jane the only way to go home is to fly. But I came here on a boat I have to leave on one too. But that boat was flying. We can help you. We? No, no, no! Peter this is a bad idea! I warned when we got back to the HQ onto of a cliff. Anyone can do it. It's easy. Easy for you both maybe.

Maybe I'm just smarter. Yeah that's it. Braver. Sure. Stronger. Absolutely! Maybe I'm just better looking. Or maybe you're just full of hot air? Hey?! He laughs nearly falling out of the sky. Well you must be full of something its probably just yourself. I tease. Flying is easy all you need is faith trust and uh something else. The lost boys say as Tink makes them fly. Pixie dust. Jane says, rolling her eyes. Say that's it!

Well let her have it Tink. Tink? Well gosh Tink if she can't fly home I guess she'll have to live with us. After pouring on a lot of pixie dust and me warning Peter this wasn't gonna end well he playfully shoved me to the side not listening to me. If nothing else it will be funny at the least. Jane was falling and couldn't fly, and fell. I got her I said catching her putting her down on the ground.

But with her list on the floor Peter picked it up and tossed it around to the other boys that it was no wonder she couldn't fly grown ups and non believers never can optionally. And she didn't believe in any of this and was acting like grown up. She didn't have faith or trust and was angry with Peter and the boys about her notebook.

Gee Jane we're sorry we never meant to make you mad. Meanwhile off in the distance Hook had watched the whole thing he saw that she wanted to go home but couldn't fly and he so he started to hatch a plan to get us both of not both then mainly just Peter once and for all. Even if he could never hurt us.

Oh grow up you sure did! She growled. Enough of all of this! I don't believe in any of it! None of this is real and I especially don't believe in magic she said turning to me, as suddenly after her saying that I stopped being able to hover in the air as my feet were forced on the ground and my wings were closed up. This was not gonna be a good sign. Or in Fairies she said when Tink was tugging on her sleeve.

Jane walked away. We don't need her good riddance. Peter called after her. I felt sick, was getting paler by the sec. And Tink lost her ability to fly and to grow in size. Peter? I called faintly, as did the lost boys. Tink doesn't look to good. Peter? I called weakly again. My knees buckled under me, as I started to fall. I hit the ground trembling on the way down. Peter I don't feel so good. He turned his attention to me flying over to me.

Farrah what's wrong stay with me kid?! Please?! We returned to the HQ, and he laid Tink down in her sleeping area and me in his hammock. He put a cold rag to my forehead and gave Tink a tiny thermometer. This looks kind of bad. The lost boys concurred. Cubby was a mess of tears. Stop it, you're gonna make Peter sad.

I'm gonna be just fine its Tink and Farrah I'm worried about. It was raining outside Jane had found shelter from the rain.... Farrah please, please get better. You have to he cried brushing my hair to the side. I can't.... I called in a groggy weak voice. We can't. Not unless, not unless..... Unless you can get Jane to believe in magic and fairies again. I said softly as I closed my eyes. I will he said kissing my forehead sweeping my back my hair as tears dripped onto my skin and he pulled the covers up over me. I will I promise.

Well are you happy Jane?!

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