My brother will save us

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Somehow the crew was able to convince the boys that they were the good guys and that they wanted to be pirates too. I crossed my arms and scuffed. Don't look at me like that, you know in my world in the OUAT world that their Peter is the bad guy. But that's a different dimension. This is the real world, or rather this is the real Neverland.

In this world you ARE the evil villain. But I know you're not, not really, you're going to marry my sister, we're all going to be a happy family someday. Yes, someday, not TO day. Which means I need to get it out of my system now, and Emma won't have to know about any of us this, since I'm not hurting either of you.

You're skating on thin ice. Actually, I've never done that, and I wouldn't do that. That sounds dangerous, yet right up Peter's ally. You can't turn these kids against us Hook. Watch me. Boys please, think about Peter, think about me, I have my own little lost boys to get back to, I'm their Peter.

You're not exactly one of us though, you're part of everything. You're not just a lost boy, you're not just Peter's twin, you get along with the pirates, the mermaids don't try to drown you, Hook doesn't need to kidnap you, you'll just come. You're not one of us, even if you are Peter's sister.

We can all be on the same side if we were all pirates. No, you'd be against Peter. Boys come on, please. I'll do anything, just don't go against Peter, you're loyal to him. And you should be ashamed of yourselves. Anything? Within reason. Then stay with us. You know I wish I could, but the girls in the foster home need me.

It would be like Peter living on Earth forever and leaving you all behind. You wouldn't like that very much would you? No, we guess not. But, they said if we don't they'd make us walk the plank, and we don't want to do that either. You'd rather save yourselves and betray my brother then save Peter by if you did walk the plank the mermaids would help you, Tic Toc croc wouldn't eat you, he only eats cod fish like Hook.

Watch your mouth. He turns to me banging his fist on the table, as he tisks at me playfully, and I stick my tongue out. Emma serves cod for dinner every Wednesday, you eat cod Hook. Just because I eat it doesn't make me one. Croc eats cod fish, and you hate Tic Toc, but you eat just like him.

What's your point? Nothing, no point. Don't worry Peter will save us. Oh you hear that? Peter will save them. He doesn't want anything to do with any of you last we heard. Besides, he's a bit preoccupied right now, anyways. Back at the hideout, Tink had been able to fly away from where she had been being kept and go to warn Peter who had received a present from "us" with love, but it was really an old fashioned bomb.

Normally it would kill Peter, but this one's main purpose was just to destroy the HQ. When Tink warned him about it, it was too late, the box started to smoke destroying the whole HQ to pieces. Leaving them to need to rebuild later. And to maybe pick a different hiding spot.

But first, he had to save and apologize to Tinkerbelle. He hadn't meant to hurt her, and he didn't mean to get mad at me and the others he was sad that we'd be leaving. He didn't want anyone to leave, but because we weren't around and Tink knew what had happened to us, he'd found new courage to come after us.

Even though my sister might not feel like she's being kidnapped, I should probably still rescue her, Jade won't be too happy with me if I don't bring her friend back in time for their music thing. Her camera? Where is it? She'll be so upset if something bad happened to it, I wouldn't want her to get expelled or whatever from school for "lying" again, not that she could now that Regina is in charge, but the other teachers could get her in trouble, and I wouldn't want that.

I also don't want people thinking she's crazy, she needs that camera for proof. And the project I can't lie does sound cool, I love listening to her sing, she gets to write a song for this project, that sounds like fun actually. And she's right, this isn't goodbye forever, she'll come back, she can't age so I don't have to worry about her growing up, and she's right that I can't age either, so I can keep coming back more often then I usually do.

I need to go help them. Here it is, her camera, and its not damaged, its full of pictures on it too. I can't wait to see how she puts it together. I want to look at them, but I won't without her permission and I can't right now anyways, I need to save everyone. I'm so sorry Tink, thank you for coming back for me. I know you don't like Wendy very much.

Tink grows in size. No, I'm sorry Peter, I wanted you to myself, and then Farrah came and Wendy came, and I didn't want to lose you, you're my best friend. You're my best friend too Tinkerbelle, you mean the world to me. You mean more to me then you can ever imagine. I've learned to know that there are 3 kinds of love and I love Wendy in a different way then I love you or my sister.

You love me Peter? Of course I do. And I love you too, you're my best friend. It would be strange to love each other more then just best friends though, don't you think? She laughed. Yeah, I love you in a different way then Wendy and Farrah. And when my older sister marries Hook, I'll have to love him like family. I won't have to like him, but family is forever, and we can always argue back on Neverland for fun when this is all over.

I'm proud of you Peter, you're not growing up, but you are "growing up." I don't get it, but thanks I think, now come on let's go save my sister and the others from Hook, and the crew. I'd thought you'd never ask. Back with us again.... We'll never turn against Farrah and Peter and we'll never join your crew! Wendy tells the pirates and Hook.

Come on Wendy, please don't make me the bad guy here. Just sign your names on the doted line, and none of you have to walk the plank. Never! *Ug* well then, happy swimming. Who wants to go first? Hook, I'll go. No way, you can fly. Not going to happen nice try. Then tie me to an anchor. Everything that is said and done on Neverland stays on Neverland, Emma doesn't need to know about any of this Hook.

Why are you doing this? You want to drown and kill off Peter and I don't you? You I don't mind keeping around and if the circumstances were different, yes I'd kill Peter, but nothing says I can't capture you and torture you both, or at least him. You could torture him without hurting us. In what way would you suggest? In no way that I can tell you about.

*sigh* I'm getting no where with you Pan children. Then I'll go. Wendy no. I believe that Peter will save us. So if I jump off, he'll come to my rescue. Don't hold your breath. He seems rather upset over the fact that we're trying to leave. I know he'll save me. So, I'll walk the plank. Be brave boys, don't forget me. If Peter doesn't come, let's hope the mermaids don't drown me anyways.

She jumps off, but there's no splash. And she gets saved. Everyone is in shock when they see Peter and Tink. He puts Wendy back down. She is now safe and sound. The lost boys are set free. You didn't think I'd let you all leave without saying goodbye or giving you back your camera. You're lucky the bomb didn't destroy it. Let them go Hook, this is a fight between you and me.

Very well. Mr. Smee. Here's a Farrah for you. Ay, ay captain. My wrist gets chained to Smee's, and well.... You're a coward Peter Pan, you always fly away! We won't always be enemies Hook. You can't fly away, your sister is my prisoner. I'll fight you man to man Hook, but first you have to let Farrah go. Very well.... Let her go Smee. Let her go Captain?

Well, after she has declared that she'd volunteer as tribute. You all heard her. Farrah? You didn't. Oh but she did. I won't fly away Hook, not now, and once more I give my word that I won't fly away. Not just for my lost boy's sake, or proving to you that I'm not a coward, but once I fight you and beat you, that you let my sister go.

You win? You're going to win, and not fly away?! We shall see about that. Toss her to the edge. When they fight, all hope looks lost. Fly away Peter fly. Wendy calls to him. No! I gave my word not to! And if even if I hadn't, I can't put Farrah's life at risk anymore then it already is. This is a fair fight Hook, just you and me.

You're fight is with me, man to man. With pleasure. What could you possibly do to me anyways, you can't hurt me. IDK yet, but I'll think of something. It doesn't matter I wont let you win! Fly away Peter! Wendy calls up to him again. No, I won't! Once they fight and Peter does win, he tells him to go away and never come back, and to proclaim that he's a cod fish. Once he does, Tic Toc Croc comes and tries to eat him again.

Now it is time for us to go home. Farrah, I believe this is yours. I'm not leaving yet, but we should be getting Wendy and the boys back. He frowns, yeah let's get going. All aboard next stop London. All ashore that's going ashore. I can't believe this, we're actually getting to go home now. This ship is only going one place, and that's London.

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