We are family

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When our teacher got back, she asked the rest of the students where I was. They told her that the other teacher brought me to the principal's office, that I could most likely be getting expelled for telling tall tales in class, and lying. Mary Margaret's face was in a state of shock, and worry, as she hurried to his office.

But by the time she got there it was too late. Where is Freya? I sent her home. Why?! Mrs. Blanchard that little girl needs help, she is a compulsive liar, telling tales of magic and pirates and fairies and esc. She needs to learn to grow up. To establish the differences between fantasy and reality. She needs to learn that her actions and words have consequences.

Yes, that little girl needs help, but she's not a liar, she used real magic to make the kids in my class float, I saw it with my own eyes, and when she sings her hair changes colors, as do her eyes. Explain to me how she could've done that, without magic being real?! She's an abused foster child, along with the other girls in the foster home.

My husband fixes those girls up, and she does work on the side, so that she can help the girls in the home, she cares more about them than herself. After class that day, she and David stopped by the foster home. *Knock, knock, knock* I'm coming, I'm coming. Oh, hello and who might you be? I'm Dr. David and this is my wife Mary Margaret. She's a school teacher over at the school Freya and the other girls go to.

Yeah, ok? May we see her? She asked. Of course, let me go see if I can figure out where the little angel went. Freya?! Brittney called coming up the stairs. Upstairs.... Hurry Brittney's coming. Freya?! She called. Where is that no good little.... You! Jade! You know Freya, where is she? Why should I tell you that? There are people here looking for her.

All the other girls *gasped* mummering. And you all are my responsibility whether I like it or not, so where is the little brat?! You won't find her, she's not here! And where pray tell might she be?! Working, she always works after school. You don't listen to anything anyone says and only care about yourself!

Why you little.... Excuse us? Yes? Is Freya here? Not currently, she's working right now. You sweetie, what's your name? Lily. Hello Lily you can call me Mary, would you happen to know where Freya is? None of us know where Freya works, except Jade. Ok, which one of you would that be? That would be me ma'am. Hi, I'm Jade.

Nice to meet you Jade where is Freya? I will show you. She has two different jobs. Idk which one she'll be at today, but I can still show you. Lead the way. Hello ladies, Jade what may I do for you today? Hello Mr. Gold, hello Ms. Belle is Freya here? I'm sorry sweetie, but I'm afraid we haven't seen her, go visit Ms. Swan at the Sheriffs Department and see if she's there today. She might be helping Emma and Henry today.

Good to see you again Pans. Always a pleasure Rumple, and Belle. Wait?! So your Farrah and Peter's parents?! In that case she might be with her older sister. You're Snow White and Prince Charming! So you know our daughter's secret. She doesn't know any of this. I wondered where Freya had gotten that pendant, and now I know it's because she's our daughter.

Let me call Emma or Henry and she if she's there. Hello? Oh Emm, is Freya down there with you? As a matter of fact mom she is. Will you watch her, we have much family business to discuss. Ok mom. When they arrived. Freya? Jade called. Here Jade. I waved. Dr. David, Mrs. Blanchard what are you doing here? These are my parents Freya.

Hi Henry. Hi Jade. Will you all come to back to the apartment for a few minutes? It's really important. Yeah of course. We went to the house. Girls hot cocoa? Yes please. Thank you. Mom, what's all this about? Oh I do wish that all of us were here, even if that includes Hook. Who is missing? Then I felt Farrah come off. Hey?

Farrah, where are you going? "Home we're missing your brother of course. And I can fetch Hook" Ok, IDKwhat that has to do with him, but if both are needed then yes go get them. Away she went. Freya? Yes ma'am? May I see your pendant? Yes ma'am. I said handing it to her. Mom, what's this about? All will be explained when Peter and Hook get here.

Freya sweetheart I see you've named your shadow after someone important to you. What makes you say that? I didn't name her because of that at first, at first she was nothing more than a character from my stories and dreams, and then I learned about my family. Oh, look at that, the last time my necklace glowed was when I met Peter.

That's kind of what we'd like to talk to you all about. When Farrah got back Peter and Hook were with her. Peter? I called running up to hug him. Farrah, hey its good to see you. Tina transformed into her bigger form. Now, I am big enough to hug you. Good to see again love. Good to see you too Hook. Hook wondered off and hugged and kissed Emma. Good to see you again Ms. Swan.

Now, we have called you all here today for a big announcement. Each of them reached out to grab hands with Peter and I. Before we go any further. Freya, want to tell us your real name? My name is Farrah Snow Pan, this is my twin brother Peter, we were separated from birth and I was brought here, I recently discovered who I really was from Hook, and got to celebrate my birthday with my brother and all the creatures and citizens of Neverland. My parents are Snow White and Prince Charming.

Well, then its good to have all of us here. So what are you saying? Emma asked. Hook's hand on her shoulder. Emma.... Mom isn't it obvious? Henry asked. Think about it, your parents are Snow White and Prince Charming and so are Farrah and Peter's. That's right Henry. Farrah, Peter, Emma meet your other sibling(s).

We are one big happy family. Now all we have to do is adopt you. I frowned. What's wrong? I'm un adoptable.  

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