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Late one night just like any other night, I was up in my room, getting ready for bed. I was putting the scar cream on my skin, rubbed it in slowly, trying not to let out a groan of pain. Today had been like any other day, starting with being pushed out of bed, while getting yelled at and screamed at, like the usual. Made sure no one was around, watching me, then snapped my fingers, changing into something of my usual outfits, something like this (outfit 1)Then we all start our daily chores all except, for whatever reason, Britney even though she hates us all she hates me the most, so she won't give the messy hard, lots of cleaning jobs to anyone else, but she does to me.

It's just not fair! Not even my one and only BFF Jade. We stick together like glue, all except she has no idea I get abused, because no one actually ever gets hurt except for me, we share a bedroom, all the other girls have to share a room of 4-6 girls, but Jade and I consider ourselves lucky that we two are the only ones that have to share a room together by ourselves and not with the rest of the other little girls in the home. We're the oldest, but of me and Jade I'll be 16 soon, and she'll be only almost 15 in the next couple of weeks. See there are some days that Britney decides she's going on vacation, so on those days, we break out and go around town, needing to steal food, like in Aladdin, and we get the food, and then we go to the hospitals and get looked at to make sure we look and feel fine.

Or in my case stitched up sometimes, and treated like a real patient. It's a service that they do for free, for the foster care children, so at least we get lucky there. They let us bathe, and make sure we eat, and are fine before we go back, some of us are even lucky enough to get part time jobs, mostly me, so that I can help out the girls, weather or not they care about me or not, but I always do, otherwise, I'd them all just suffer, and because I'm such a good person I sit there and take the abuse so that the other girls don't have to. The only time the other girls aside from Jade, because she always cares about me, cares is when I tell them the story, of the one actually that turns out is about me, that I didn't know was about me, about the the dream I constantly have, about the girl that got kidnapped by pirates from Neverland, and brought to Earth.

Becoming mortal, a girl, like the rest of us, that could even be one of us, that could even have special powers, and also just like us lives in a foster care home. I had no idea that dream was real, all the girls loved hearing my stories about Peter Pan, I got suspicious of the story I kept telling, when I too have magical powers, but IDK where I'm from, for real, but I'm sure there is no way once so ever that I could be the girl in the story, that I know my name has always been Freya, that there's no possibility that I could've ever lived on Neverland.

*Sigh* oh Neverland, a place I dream about every night of my life for almost the past 16 years now. Twins, Peter Pan, and Farrah, separated at birth, he stayed to rule over wit his lost boys that when the Pirates came they got set on shore as babies, with no one to take care of them, the parents kidnapped, by one group of pirates, the daughter Farrah, kidnapped and brought to Earth, turned immortal, now has a new name, lives at a foster home, about my age. That poor girl, I feel so sorry for her.

Meanwhile..... On Neverland

Peter age of 15, with all his little lost boys, and Tinkerbell, they were running around playing childish games like tag, or hide and seek, even Peter's shadow was getting in on the fun, and when Peter felt his shadow rip away from himself again, he tried to chase after it, however it was hard to fly without his shadow, while they were chasing the shadow around, shadow decided to escape off to Earth, in the search for its long lost counter part. For whatever reason, though, Peter, his shadow, and Tink always found their way down to our foster home, to hear the Peter Pan stories, that I either dreamt about, or made up. Sometimes, I feel like I've heard the tiny jingle of bells, or cheerful boyish laughter, the kind of laughter that you just want to continue to hear, or makes you melt like better, like everything in the world is at peace, the kind of cheerful laughter, that sometimes might sound as if being tickled. The kind of laughter that makes other girls just want to swoon, or laugh along with, because laughter like that makes you feel like everything is gonna be ok, that nothing bad is gonna happen as long as the peel of laughter remains a float in the air.

Sometimes, I feel like I see a dark shadow, a dark shadow, that makes things either darker than they appear, or makes it look like an object just isn't actually there. Like if you try to look into the mirror, but your reflection just isn't doing the same thing you are, so you know it's not yours, that you're being mimicked of some kind. What really happens though is that he'll come and listen, but no one will know that he's there, and he and Tink, and usually shadow too, sit and listen to the story I'm telling, and then they fly off to tell the other lost boys.

Other times however, Peter acts like he's gonna leave, and sends Tink on her way, but doesn't notice that she just waits, until he starts to leave, when that happens, he's trying to peer inside and get a good look at my face, and listen to my voice even after the story is done for the evening. Sometimes after I know everyone's even asleep, I cast a little bit of magic, so that only those that believe in it, can hear or see me and the magic, otherwise to anyone else I look like I'm sound asleep, and I'll start singing. 

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