Lost and found

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Do you think that it's possible? I mean, anything is possible. I mean we are on Neverland, and our stories and dreams are all the same. And your shadow pulls away too, and we have all those necklaces. Here come here. Peter says pulling me closer. He took his family necklace in one hand and reached out to look at mine with the other. See mine has my name and family members names on it and.... We stopped and looked up at each other and hugged.

And you have returned, you're alive. Which means that our parents are too. And I think I know exactly who they are. Farrah? Yes? Welcome home. As soon as the boys and Jade came back, they saw us with our arms wrapped around each other. Whoa, what happened here? Guys I have good news. Ooh yeah, tell us. The search is over, and we have Hook to thank for it.

They all *gasped* does that mean he had your sister? For like half an hour or so. What are you talking about? I used my magic from my necklace and blew on it making it cover myself. My hair changing back to its original color (hairstyle its bright red) Magic coursed through out my body. Do I look familiar now? At the same time my eyes went back to their original color (eye color)Freya what happened to you?

I turned back into who I was born as. Like Harry Potter, I was sent to live with abusive mortals. Jade think about it our stories are the same and so are the dreams, I'm not dead and neither are my parents, it turns out they're the Dr. And his wife. You mean David and Mary Margret? Yep. Wait this doesn't make any sense. All except us: Who are you?!

The answer to your prayers, the person you've all been looking for. The girl of our dreams. You don't mean? It can't be possible! Oh but it is and it's true. I am the one the only Farrah, twin sister of infamous.... infamous? Come on? I giggled covering my mouth. Peter Pan. And if I had never been captured by Hook accidentally we would've never found out.

Wow?! I think we should celebrate! Yeah! And as if to prove it a song began.... Now that I found you, you might legally be my sister, but you have to prove it. How? You'll have to talk, act and think like a lost boy. How hard can it be? Is that a challenge? We're going on a treasure hunt and have fun a long the way. Just tell me what to do! Jade are you in? Duh, my best friend is Farrah Pan, how can I pass it up?! That's the spirit. Well now that you're one of us there are some things you need to know. Ok, like what?

with everyone behind after the waterfall, Jade and I found the treasure in dead mans cave. We brought it back to the HQ and had so much fun. Suddenly (fairy wings) appeared on my back. Whoa! What? Come here. Peter said pulling me to a mirror.

Whoa! Everyone laughed at my delayed reaction. How did those get there? Beats me. Maybe you're part fairy. It's possible. We partied all night long and soon we went to go to bed. Um question? How do I get them to close up? Good question. Try a key word. How about snowflake? They went away. How did you know what to say? I didn't I just like snowflakes. Well I mean it goes with your name.

What? You're full name, Farrah Snow Pan. What's your middle name? Eagle. That makes sense. Since you're always flying. Ok so this was fun, but no offense but can we go to sleep now? Sweet dreams. Goodnight. I love you. I love you too sis. Goodnight. Sweet dreams.

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