Shadow fun

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It was late at night, I was asleep, by the window like I usually do, when I felt an unnatural chill feeling run through my body, as if there had been a ghost there. Then I felt as if something lifted me up and put me in my bed, tucking me in like as if I were a small child. Then I felt the ghost like feeling wonder away and suddenly heard the window shut, and lock, and I suddenly woke up and rubbed my eyes.

J-Jade? Is that you? Why is it suddenly so warm in here? Jade why'd you close the window? How did I get into bed? More likely how did I get into bed and not get here myself or feel someone pick me up, except for what felt like wind? Jade? I called out again. I regained full consciousness and looked around the room, and could tell something was off about the room.

Whose there? I called out. I tugged on my necklace, that had my name on it, as Freya, and got up out of bed, and walked back over to the window opening it up again. Why is it locked and closed I never lock or close it? Jade is fast asleep she couldn't had done this, could she? I laid back down, in the window seat and closed my eyes again.

I quickly opened them back up when I heard the window close and lock again. I looked around the room, and turned on my flashlight. Except all I saw was my own shadow. Huh, how strange. There's not a living, well awake except for me soul in here, but something must've carried me to bed and closed the window. Suddenly I thought I saw something leap across the room. I turned my light to it.

Hello? Hello is someone there? I know I saw you move. You can come out, I won't hurt you I promise. Please don't be afraid. I got closer to the spot I saw it. It jumped away again. I opened my eyes wide like one of a cats to see better in the dark, and saw a dark figure. There you are I called out. The figure gave me a surprised look, like as if asking if I could see it. The figure gave me a confused sounding hm noise.

Can't you speak? It lifted its hand to its chin, shaking it's head, and laughed, in a boyish manner, a laugh I'd heard plenty of times before. Oh so you must be the figure I always hear laughing. He shook his head. Might I get closer? I asked it. It took what looked like a pen of some kind magically writing the words.... "Yes I suppose that would be alright." You can write I asked him?

"I suppose so." It wrote back. My name is Freya, do you have a name? "My name is Shadow." I put my finger to my chin, but it played the pan flute music at me to signal to get my attention. He waved at me. " Hey Freya that's a pretty name." Thank you I told him. Although sometimes I wonder if that is at all my real name or if that's just what someone happened to tell me my name was. "What do you mean?" I mean I told him, well you've heard my stories right? I mean that is if you're the person or figure or whatever that I hear laughing at night, or sighing calmly. "That is me, but not just me, but yes I've heard them."

Those stories I've told the girls, I have dreams about some of them and there's a recurring one as if it really happened to this little girl. Wait, you're figure it looks familiar, and the music that you magically played to get my attention, it sounded like music I could've sworn I've heard before. "I am one of many mysteries." "I know that you've heard of me, and my human counter part." What do you mean, do you belong to someone? "Well of course I do everyone has one of me." Then suddenly I felt as if something vibrated from my body, making me feel a little bit numb. Then a girl's shadow appeared.

She made a happy hm noise that of which to gain the attention of the one I was currently talking to. "See you felt that didn't you, she over there is your shadow." My shadow? "Hello Freya, I'm your shadow, nice to formally meet you." Nice to meet you too, uh Shadow. How did you come apart from me Shadow? "I'm magic." Magic you say? Huh, well I have a little bit of magic, I suppose.

"You also have much courage, my human counter part would take a liking to you." Shadow, sorry, my Shadow would you please mind reattaching yourself to me? Please? "Sure, ok, since I'm nothing like him I'm not as "troublesome."" So Shadow whose are you? "Look closely at me Freya" you've heard the music, you've heard my laughter." Yes I have and what sweet mischievous laughter it is. Almost like as if one were being tickled of some kind, or playful and amusing. Very contagious.

"You don't want to say that around him, well the last part sure, and the first part yes, but that part in the middle, oh what fun, but only if we're the ones providing the kind of merriment to others instead of ourselves, oops I've "said" to much forget what I just said, he'll be upset with me if he found out I told you." Where might you be from, I think I know whose shadow you are, but could answer me that, and make sure my guess is correct, oh and you have my word, as funny as such an idea might be, just to even hear the peal of laughter again. Are you from Neverland? Are you Peter's shadow?

"Bingo kiddo." "Wow, isn't she smart." You said not just you, does that mean that Peter and Tinkerbell also come and hear my stories? "Correct again." " Freya dear, I've been listening to us speak about our dreams, maybe the answers inlie in Neverland." Thanks Shadow. Huh I need something to call you. "How about their character from your dreams, that Farrah girl?" "Farrah?" Is there something wrong, Shadow? "Huh?" Oh nothing, nothing." Shadow?

"Ok, my human had a sister with that name, a twin sister, she like you say got turned mortal." So my stories are true? "No dear Freya not all of them, just our dream, all the ones we make up are of our minds." You come here a lot then don't you Shadow, are you looking for something? "I just want to help Peter find his sister, he was so young when she got taken away, it was when they were born, she like you also lives in a foster home, at least that's how the story goes."

"I came looking for my shadow counter part, but then I've heard you tell stories and sing songs, and I've stayed, I hide around in your room away from Peter, who chases me down." How does he get you to come back? "He pulls me back to Neverland, and the Indians have to help him, every time that I get loose." Oh dear, does that mean I need to go there anyways to get Farrah back onto me? "No darling, all you have to do is use your magic." How do I do that? "Well you could just clap a beat, that we'll know means come back, but of course Shadow will want to pull me along to get into trouble with him now that he's found me."

So that means if I wake up and see that your not there you'll be "kidnapped" by Shadow? "You can call me Peter if you'd like?" Well what if I just nickname you brother, since my Shadow is having me call her Farrah, and if that story is true than Peter and Farrah would be twins, even though that's not me of course. "IDK kiddo stranger things have happened." What do you mean? Am I Farrah? "IDK kid I've never met her before even if I had she's mortal now remember she probably goes by a different name, and looks different. Although your red hair color seems familiar. "

Wait what about when I was asleep? Oh that would be my fault, I didn't want you to get cold, so I put you in bed and closed the window, and also so that if and when Peter finds me he can't get in." That's not very nice. I tried to be mad with him, but it was impossible. Hey Farrah will you please come back now? "Sure." Soo she did and my body got all tingly again.

That will take some getting used to. Oh brother, ha now that name will make more sense, because of the way you act, anyways, as long as your here, and he probably hasn't noticed if you're gone yet, but would you like to stay, and sleep with me and keep me company? "Of course, don't mind if I do." "Thank you so much."

You're welcome, you're always welcome her brother. Just let's hope that no one sees you in the human world especially not Britney. And not Jade until I can figure out away to tell her. "Sweet, oh sorry, am I keeping you up?" No, but I should probably go back to sleep anyways, so goodnight brother and Farrah if you can hear me, sweet dreams. "Goodnight kiddo." Oh one more thing. "Yes?" Are you the one that kisses my forehead and leaves every night? "No, that's Peter, for a strange reason he feels very protective of you as do I. You can go to sleep now, and I'll come and lay down next to you if you wish." Sure thank you. Goodnight for realz this time. "Ha - ha ok sweet dreams."

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