Long time no see

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It had now been weeks since then, and things couldn't had been going any better. We all had our own rooms, except Jade and I shared a room now, we insisted that we did. And we all got to decorate our rooms however we wanted, which was the easy part. And Britney was nice now. This was like a dream come true. All except....

I looked down at my necklace, tears brimming my eyes. It felt like forever that I'd seen Peter, or even Hook, which is the strange part because he and my sister were a couple, and were happily engaged, and they shared a house together. But he'd gone back to Neverland with Peter, and Tink. Where they went back to their normal frenemy chaos.

I still had my magic, and I still told the girls stories. I still worked with my family members, but the family member I missed the most was nowhere to be seen. His lost boys needed him, and if he'd stayed any longer he might start to age, which wouldn't had been good.

I miss you. I whispered putting my necklace back inside my shirt, as I got ready for bed. Even when I have a bed of my own, I almost never actually sleep in it. I sleep in my little window seat, with the door unhatched, and wide open. I kept hoping and wishing he'd come back again. Soon it got really dark and the stars appeared. I took my pendant back out, and closed my eyes.

Star light star bright first start I see tonight, I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. I rubbed my thumb over the pendant, and wished that he would come back. Kissed it, and put back inside my top. And curled up tight laying on the window seat bed thing, and closed my eyes falling into deep slumber.

I guess I didn't have to make the wish for it to come true, I didn't know it but every night he'd came he'd seen me laying in the window seat, fast asleep, and would come in, move my hair out of my face, and kiss my forehead, wishing me sweet dreams, and bring me to bed, and tuck me in. And when in the morning I would always wonder how I'd gotten back into bed as when he'd leave after all that, thanking me for once again keeping my window unlocked and opened.

But I would've never heard him, as when he'd carried me back to bed that I'd self consciously wrapped my arms around him, smiling in my sleep. Mumbling his name under my breath. This night was no different. Ask you shall receive little sister. Come on Tink let's go home. I felt something strange as I shivered. I whined and whimpered.

Before he could leave Tink made her bells jingle and turned him around back to me. Huh? What is it Tink? But Peter didn't really have to ask. We can't really call Farrah's shadow Farrah anymore so we'll call her Freya now. Freya? What are you doing off of Farrah? "Stay Peter." "Brother break free if you do he can't leave with out you" What no?! Shadow stay! "No can do." Hey?!

Thanks Freya. Freya return back.... To me.... I mumbled tossing and turning in my sleep. A light bulb flashed over Brother's head. Shadow what are you thinking? "She wants to see you" So? "So, she needs to be awake for that" No, don't wake her up. She needs to sleep, and we gotta go. Tink pulled him back. Tink come on. Hot in here.... I mumbled. I kicked my sheets off of me, and laid flat.

She doesn't look too happy, she also can't get comfortable. "Exactly!" "So now I wake her up, she can see you, and...." Brother "said" plucking the feather from his hat.... Hey?! "And now using this we'll also make her happy" Before Peter could tell his shadow to stop again. Brother had begun to drag Peter's hat feather over my feet. Well like brother like sister.... My laughter rang through the room, as I tossed and turned kicking at whatever it was making me squirm.

Jade woke up, rubbing her eyes of sleep, and wanted to know what was so funny. Farrah are you ok? What's so funny? But she didn't have to ask, she saw Brother, holding Peter's feather she knew exactly what was going on. She just giggled and came over. Good evening Jade. Peter whispered. Oh you're actually here, she'll be well happier than she is now to see you. It's a good thing you're here.

What do you mean I come check on her every night?! Then you're not around when it happens. She's gonna wanna wake up anyways, and it's a good thing he's doing what he's doing anyways, it's difficult to wake up her up in the morning. Jade put on a sly smirk, and walked closer to bed. What are you doing? He asked her. Helping. Jade leave her alone. See that's funny because it almost sounds like you wouldn't want to help us tickle YOUR sister.

It's not that I DON'T want to, it's more like we probably should let her sleep. Not if she's going to sleep. What do you mean? I'll tell you when I'm done. She reached over to tickle my stomach and sides, as I tried to push her away. Jade stop! Leave me alone. How are you doing that? It's like you have four arms. It's not just me silly. Someone's here to see you she sang songed in slyish glee. Besides you won't sleep better until you wake up anyways.

You're gonna wanna wake up, you don't want to miss this. Are you sure you don't want to help? I'm sure. For now. Ok suit yourself. Farrah, wake up up. Jade sang again. You know I won't stop unless you do. Ok, alright I'm up. Trust me you can learn a thing or two from me about how to deal with her. Who on Earth are you talking too?

I asked rubbing my eyes of tears of mirth and sleep. They both just giggled. Like brother like sister, the only difference is that yours are your feet, which makes sense since you never land. Jade giggled. Yeah, yeah. Ask and you shall receive. Brother, Tink and Peter at your service, Miss Pan. I looked up at him, and smiled big at him as I ran towards him hugging him tightly nearly knocking us over.

G-D I've missed you. It's only been a coupe of weeks, since YOU'VE seen ME. I check up on you every night. Jade what is it you were gonna tell me? Tell him about what? Jade started saying it's a good thing I came because of something, and then she didn't finish because she started tickling you silly. What's been going on around here? Isn't everything perfect now? I looked down rubbing my arm. T: Not without you here. I thought to myself, and not when I keep having nightmares.

Farr's I can tell something's bothering you. Jade what's been going on? He asked her. I pulled on her arm, and gave her the puppy dog eyes, shaking my head. Begging her not to tell. Farrah you can't lie to me. You're my twin, your my sister and I love you. I can help you I can protect you. Just say the words and I'll be there for you, but I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong.

It's not something you can fix. I can try. You asked me if things were perfect here now. The truth of the matter is no, they're not. No we don't get abused anymore and yes I know where I belong now, but my parents can't have me, and my brother lives on another planet far away from me, because if he stays too long he can continue to grow and that would be bad, and every time I close my eyes I have really bad nightmares.

So no, things aren't perfect. I turned away from them all and sat down on my bed, tears flooding my eyes, my head in my hands. He frowned, and landed staying perfectly still. He came to my bed and sat by my side and wrapped his arms around me wiping my tears away. It's ok kiddo. Whenever you need me just open the window and call out into the wind, and I'll come for you. I'll be there whenever you need me. I love you. I love you too.

Peter? Yes ma'am? Can.... Can you, um.... He lifted an eyebrow at me. I fiddled with my fingers. Um.... Oh geez.... Why won't the words come out of my mouth. Do you want me to stay? He asked nodded his head up and down. If you don't mind. Sure scoot over. Jade, will you open the window back up? Sure thing. We all crawled back into bed. Now don't freak if I'm not here still in the morning. Ok. Promise? I promise. Goodnight kiddo. Night Peter, night Tink, and Jade, and Brother and Freya. All: Goodnight Farrah/"Goodnight Farrah"

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