Say it if it's worth saving me

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Earlier that same day. I woke up and realized that Farrah was gone she must've been with Brother. I got up and started doing my usual chores around the house. I went to go do my usual job, since Britney was away. I also made my usual trip to the Dr. who fixed me right up again. Freya you really should stop getting into trouble.

Not real trouble, I work real hard at my own job, and take care of the other girls in the orphanage, and work on my chores and tell the girls Peter Pan stories. You look like a Peter Pan character, has anyone ever told you that before? You look like the missing daughter. Her name is Farrah. I know that I named my shadow Farrah and Peter's shadow Brother. So you've met these characters?

Not Peter or Tink, but Brother has come to hear my stories and listened to me sing songs at night. How do you know so much? Because myself and my wife have dreams constantly of Neverland, like we ever lived there, where we had two twins, Peter and Farrah. How pirates came and kidnapped us and our daughter. We were supposed to die, but instead we were cursed with a fate worse than death, to be mortal on Earth. The same dream over and over again.

That's funny I have that dream all the time too, does your wife too? Yes I think she does. Do you know if Peter has these dreams too? No, I don't if I ever meet him I promise to ask him. Where is your wife? She's working on other patients in the back. Ok kiddo you're free to go. Thank you. Remind me your name please. David, and my wife's name is Mary Margot. Thank you David.

Goodbye Freya. Goodbye. Freya! I heard an angry voice call. Oh no. Yes Britney? Where have you been? She started to hit me again and again. Great so much for the visit to Drs. I was, I was working on the garden like my chores say to. Good now clean this up! Now. *Ug* Come on girls time for more chores. Give me a pitch Jade.

Right ahead of you Freya.

we all just kept cleaning as we were told. Then somewhere up above

 Are you ok? Freya. I'm fine Jade, nothing I'm not used to. I blew on my necklace and did a little touch up. I'd have to really fix myself up with the cream. Where's your shadow? What are you talking about? Look there's light, there's my shadow and you don't have one. I know, uh weird right. So where is it? IDK. What happened last night? What do you mean? What was all that noise?

What noise? Come on Freya tell me what's going on. I pulled her aside and told her everything. I don't believe you. Ok, then where's my shadow? Good point. I went to our room. Come on it's late let's go to bed. All the girls came in to hear a story.

Wait a sec girls. Farrah are you in here? Farrah? All the girls asked. Yeah I named my shadow after the girl in the story. Brother where are you? I turned off the lights and used my flashlight, hearing boyish laughter and a girlish laughter following it. Do you hear that girls. Here come Mine and Peter's shadows. Cool! Brother Farrah? What this. "Yes?" "Freya is it ok that they know?" Yes its ok. We were gonna tell a story. "Oh good." All the girls laughed.

Come on girls sit down I want to sing a couple of songs first if you'll let me. Of course, oh you have such a pretty singing voice, like a Disney princess. Thank you. 'They're right Freya." Thank you brother. Oh and I went to the Dr. today and he said he and his wife have been having the same nightmares that I've been having.

Cool! Oh Jade. I giggled. Can I start? All: Yes/"Yes!" Ok

That is such a true song all except we have no parents, hopefully we'll all find good homes some day though and out of here. What was the other song? Oh yeah. It's true to me too, because of life here. Someday maybe I will go where I belong, but I promise I'll come back and visit.

Sing your other song.

Freya do you ever realize that the blue leaves your hair to the just red or that your necklace shines bright when you sing? I actually have, not the hair thing, that's cool. See look at this. Wow that's so cool! Ok story time. I told the story, and I still could've sworn that I heard boyish laughter.

When I finished. I told them all goodnight as they went to their rooms. When I sang those other songs. Then heard a familiar name later that night. Hello? I asked. Wow it's you it's really you. Did I hear that Farrah was in here? Oh no I'm sorry Peter, I named my shadow after her.

You know me, so what's your name? He asked coming into my room. I'm Freya I said giggling stepping back into the wall. I bumped into something other than the wall though. I heard the pan flute. Sorry brother. Brother? Yeah that's what I named your shadow since Farrah and you are twins. Oh cool. Do you want help getting him back?

That would be great. Thanks. I picked up my locket the one that had the powers. Those are pretty necklaces you have there. Thank you. Gee aren't you sweet? I said giggling running a hand through his hair. Hey he laughed. My heart sped up a little hearing his laughter. Are you ok? He asked me. Yeah why? Come sit down Peter this won't take long.

Will it hurt? Oh, oh no it won't, but you'd be surprised what it does feel like. I smirked blowing at my necklace. Shadow came to me. Shadow time to go back. Shadow laughed at my smirk. "Ok." Farrah come back sweetie. "Yes Freya." Good girl. That was easy how come you can do that and I can't? IDK maybe I just have better magic than you do? I smirked playfully.

Hold still. I'm not good at sitting still. Trust me you're going to want to. It won't .... as much if you sit still. It won't what? I blew the magic at him, and the whole room echoed with laughter. I told you to sit still Peter. What is this? Magic. I know that, but .... he couldn't stop laughing. Then I clapped my hands and it sounded like a sonic boom. He caught his breath. He walked around the room making sure Shadow was there.

Don't worry he's there. Thanks Freya. Say, you wanna come with me to Neverland? I'd love to, but....Jade and the girls. He could tell I was upset. What would happen if I used the magic's power? IDK no ones ever tried. He smirked slyly at me and blew at it. I covered myself to avoid the dust expecting to be a giggly mess like he was, but I was fine.

Hm... How strange it didn't work on me. Aw that's not fair. I want Jade to come with me. Jade? She's my BFF. He put a hand to his chin. Yeah ok come on wake her up and let's go. Jade come on let's go. Where? Neverland! Ok, I'm up, let's go. Just like that? Yeah just like that, anywhere is better than here. Then let's go!

Lost sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora