Create your potion, cast your spell

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Regina, walked down to her hidden evil lair, now not being used for evil, and took out ingredients for the potion she'd be making, for the spell she was going to cast on Britney. She said if this was going to be done quickly, and be done right, that she had to be left alone in silence. And the rest of us sat in our parents apartment. Farrah, and Peter, there is someone I think we should let you meet. David go get him.

I'd like to introduce you both to Neil. You had another child? Yes, we didn't get to be parents for at least 28 years. And now you both are 16, and we've been frozen in time here, we haven't aged a day since the curse came, and now it we will, but very slowly. It's kind of like being immortal. Yes, I guess you could put it that way.

Hey little Mr. you wanna say hello to your brother and sister? I was handed my baby brother, and I held him carefully in my arms. Look at him Peter. He'll be a strong little lost boy someday. You'll never be lost again. We're all here now, together as a family. He'll still always be a lost boy to me. And this one is of my very own flesh and blood.

Sorta, not that I gave birth to him, but you know what I mean. I'd treat him just like one of them, my lost boys are like my family, we're already all like brothers as it is. Just like Farrah and the girls are like her sisters. That's not a bad idea. That's a lot of children Mary. Don't you think that our own children will get neglected if we do that?

Well David I'm not saying right away. These girls need Farrah, but she won't age now. Back in the lair. *Sigh* I just need a couple more items. One is a hair from this woman, and the other is, um.... Let's see. Oh G-D you've got to be kidding me! Goat's blood? Geez, give me a break. Oh, wait, wait just a sec here. I still happen to have some, just a few drops should do the trick.

Now, this woman's hair. She took her hand and drowsed herself in the purple black mist, teleporting away. She appeared at the orphanage, she took a hair from her hairbrush. And just for good measure a pinch of sugar. Then she came back. She put the other things into the potion, for the spell and the sugar was so that, not only will she forget that originally she was going to send me away, but she'd end up just like the Miss. Hannigan from the more recent Annie movie, where she was nice at the end.

To put love in her heart, and feel guilty about how awful she's been, there was no promise that all of it would work, but we could hope. She went to the orphanage and knocked on the door. Hello? Who are you and what do you want? I'm selling chocolate, I'm sure a nice pretty talented hard working young woman would like some, and so would your little girls, including Freya. She's not here right now, but sure I'll take some. You'll want to taste this piece before buying it.

Fine, free candy is free candy. The spell, potion thing was in that piece of candy the rest was just regular good ol' delicious chocolate. A vibration went through her, and her aura changed. She looked down at the candy in her hand. And back up at the woman. Have you seen Freya? I can't find her anywhere.

Girls? Will you come down here please. Upstairs.... Did Britney just ask politely? It might be a trap. Girls? I've got candy. Candy? Hm, we might as well go see. Who are you? My name is Regina and girls, I think I've just solved your problem. They looked at her strangely. Girls, we need to talk. I've been so awful to you all, and I'm sorry, I didn't have any love in my heart, and treated you all especially Freya, just like my parents treated me, I feel bad for what I did, and I'm not gonna make someone else take Freya, she's gonna stay right here with us.

I'm so, so sorry. Does anyone know where Freya is? Here, will you take all of these away please? I don't need them anymore, and I promise from now on I'm going to be a better person. Believing it all, the girls all group hugged. Britney was actually being nice, the spell had worked. Oh, no Jade's not here either, I knew I was missing someone else too.

I hate to bother you ma'am, but you wouldn't happen to know where Jade and Freya are do you? Actually, as a matter of fact, I do. The girls went to go work with Emma, Henry today, and Belle and Mr. Gold. Will you send them home please, tell them I have good news. Except, will you come back with them, I think they'll only believe it if you were here to make sure they know I'm not pulling their leg, just to back to my mean ways after you leave.

Yes ma'am. I will do that. See you in a bit girls. Thank you! She poofed away, and back to where we are. It is done, and girls, I have good news for you. I added sugar into the spell potion, and it worked wonders. What are you talking about? Come see for yourself. We all came back to the orphanage. Freya, Jade? She came out and hugged us.

What's going on here? Freya I'm so sorry, I don't want you to be someone else's problem, this nice woman gave me like magical IDK candy, and there's candy for you both in your rooms. In fact, I'll be sure to pay the water and electricity bills all on time, and try and work really hard to help you guys to like it here, until you all get nice homes.

About that. The couple that were here today, they'll be back to discuss that with you at a later date. About the girls. But how about, I get some people to help make the girls new and improved rooms, so that they all can have enough space and their own rooms and things. Clean this place up a little. Oh, but I don't have that kind of money. Oh please, it will be on me.

Come out here, all of you, and I'll show you what I can do for you. We all went outside. She did some magic to grow plants, and make a pretty little garden, and cast a spell to make the old dusty looking building look good as new, and painted in big bright nice inviting colors. And, now you all each will have your own rooms, pick any color you want, and go hang stuff up, and decorate, and each little room will look like a piece of heaven.

Even for you. All you all have to do is pick a color, and think of the rest. Think happy little thoughts and about everything you love, and watch the magic happen. Bright green, plenty of food, new furniture. Don't worry about that. Everywhere has new furniture, and everything you all could ever want.

Even you, Miss Britney. You've earned. Girls what do we say to Ms. Regina? Thank you! Thank you ma'am. Thanks Regina. She winked at us. Maybe now your stay, until otherwise will be good. And she also actually cast a spell over the place that unless people knew it was there or if they believed in magic could see it, so that none of the girls could get adopted until at a later date.

Snow White Pan and Charming had a plan, at a later date. A much later date. But I don't think anyone will complain about staying now.

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