"Like what?" I asked.

Nadia came out from behind the wall and walked over to the couple, "Okay so here's the deal. Logan, you're my brother and I love you, so you can stay as long as you need. Janet, I love you too but I think that its time you face the music. You can't lead these boys on like that just because you can't make a choice"

"Yeah," Bianca came out next. "Besides, you're in line to be valedictorian and you were accepted into NYU with a full scholarship"

"Wait," Janet asked. "NYU accepted me?"

"Oh shit," Bianca smacked her forehead. "Dejan told me not to tell you. Your dad wanted to surprise you when you got home"

"Christmas break is in two days," I said and came out last. "You have a choice to make"

(No POV)

Logan turned around to look at Janet who was crying quietly. He never really told her the real reason as to why he came home earlier than he was supposed to. He just made up a story about how he got into a fight with two other guys. Which did happen but the punishment for that was to wash the tanks.

The actual reason he left was that he wanted to be with Janet and he thought it was unfair of him to ask her to wait. He would do anything for her, even give up everything just to be with her. Now that he comes home and finds out that the love of his life has been cheating on her was heartbreaking.

He stood up and walked towards the door, "I need to take a walk, I'll be back later"

Logan left without another word.

Dominic rushed into the doors of Tiffany's Diner. When Logan had texted that he was in California, Dominic dropped everything and headed to the diner. He hasn't seen Logan in months and they tried to keep in contact as often as possible.

"Is that my brotha from another motha?!" Dominic said when he saw Logan.

Derek turned around and hopped out of his seat," Dominic what's up man?"

The two friends hugged and sat at the table to catch up on things. They talked about school, girls and what Logan plans to do now that he's no longer in the army.

"How did you know that Janet was here?" Dominic asked with a frown on his face.

"I went to your house in Texas first," Logan started. "Your dad said that she went to visit Vicky"

"So you came back for my sister?"

"Yeah, I felt like it was selfish of me to ask her to wait for God knows how long," Logan said. "Whenever we got the chance to talk on the phone, I couldn't stand hearing her tears. She's the love of my life and I can't be away from her any longer. But sadly there's something that's stopping me"

"She told you about Dakota"

Logan nodded and shifted in his seat, "She told me this morning after my sisters and Bianca forced her too. How long has Janet been here?"

"A month, but I didn't know she was here until a few weeks ago...I know what I did to Vicky was terrible—"

"Yeah Vicky told me about that, she said her name was...Becky?"

"Yeah, she's the section leader in our class so it gets a little tense in there"

"She also told me that you two are dating. Is that true?"

"Kind of. The thing is I still love Vicky. I don't think that I'll ever stop loving her but she's not going to forgive me anytime soon and shes moved on with—"

Dance With Me {Book 2: My Dance Partner Series} (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now