They were just getting ready to call in a breakfast order to the coffee shop across the street when a doctor approached them with a smile.

" Ladies, I followed the beaten path to you, Aurora was supposed to be released today, instead we are moving Clarke to a room out of the ICU and placing Aurora in with her." he smiled.

"Clarke is well enough?" Octavia asked.

"Yes, she is doing well, we figure placing the baby in her care will speed up her recovery. A mother will do whatever is needed to care for her child" he motioned to the nurse getting Aurora packed up in her cart to be moved.

"Thank you, thank you so much" Raven smiled moving to the door to walk beside her.

"Anything we should know?" Octavia asked.

"No, I think you ladies have it all under control, I'd visit for a little while then let her catch up with that daughter of hers." he smiled before walking away. Octavia turned smiling at her niece coming towards her.

No one's smile matched Clarke's as they wheeled that cart in, she couldn't wipe it off her face if she had to. They set the cart up in the corner before handing Aurora to Clarke. She cried and whispered, and cried some more.

"She's beautiful, looks like her dad" she spoke softly.

"She looks like both of you" Octavia stated.

"Did they say when you get to go home?" Raven asked.

"Five days, so Tuesday"

"Good, we will have everything ready then" Octavia smiled.

"Can you write to your brother for me?" Clarke looked up from the baby.

"Yeah, how much do you want me to tell him?"

"I figure that he has a beautiful daughter will be all he needs for now" Clarke smiled.

"I'll print some of the photos I took too" she added as she stood.

"We are going to get headed out, and maybe sleep " Raven laughed.

"Aella won't know what to do if someone is there more than two hours" Octavia pressed her lips to Clarkes forehead.

"We are a phone call away"

"Thank you guys for everything, I don't know what I would do without you"

"We will stop before work in the morning" Raven waved on her way out the door.


Bellamy limped to the communications tent when he heard the mail call. They were almost out, two weeks left so this would be the last letter. He wasn't even going to write back because chances were he would beat the letter home.

The Sergeant in the tent handed him one from Octavia.

"That's it?" he asked.

"Yup that's it"

Bellamy was disappointed knowing today was the last mail day, so nothing from Clarke meant nothing more until he saw her. Lincoln had one from his sister too and Wick took his from Raven into the tent. Bellamy sat on the sand bags outside the tent, Lincoln leaning on the pole next to him. The camp was pretty much quiet, everyone reading there letters. Bellamy unfolded his to find pictures. His daughter. She was beautiful. There were pictures of her, of her and Clarke and of her and Octavia.

"Lincoln" he glanced over at Bellamy, he sounded almost like he was choked up.

"Congrats, O sent me ones too" Lincoln smiled.

"You're a dad!" Wick yelled coming out of the tent with pictures in hand, waving them for Bellamy to see. Many people yelled congrats after hearing Wick's announcement.



As you see your beautiful daughter has arrived.

February 22nd, 2012

Aurora Isabelle Blake


6lbs and 10 oz

19" long

She can't wait to meet you, she is so loved already, everyone is head over heels

for her. She is so sweet.

Clarke is doing well. Her labor had a few mishaps but nothing to worry about.

She misses you a lot, and sends her love.

We aren't sending anymore letters, I know the drill.

See you soon big brother.

Love, Octavia


Clarke sat at the table paying bills as Aurora slept quietly in the pack in play a few feet from where she worked. She went through the pile of mail from today, stopping when she found a letter from Bellamy. She smiled sliding her finger under the seal to open it.



How's it going? Hope you are feeling good, it's almost time to meet our daughter,

I can't wait. Can't wait to hold her, or you! Had a few hiccups in our day to day

activities this week, but we are all good and counting the days until we come home

to all of you. It's so close I can taste it! No more letters after this, I'll never get them.

I need to buy a razor when I get back, I'm pretty scruffy, you may not even recognize me.

I love you so much, and will be back in your arms before you know it. Take care of yourself,

that baby of ours should be here this week or next! I'll be home by the end of March, looking

like the 25th.

I Love You

Forever and Always,



She glanced at the date...two weeks, and they couldn't move fast enough.

All Kinds of Therapy ( Bellarke Edition)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя