Chapter 1

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Superpets HQ, London. 1 year after Max and Ben were stopped.

Felix was sat on the sofa in his house watching TV whilst Buddy was sat at the kitchen table messing with gadgets.

"Are you sure James said there was absolutely nothing to do during the holiday?" Asked Felix.

"He told me to absolutely shut up because I'd asked him every day." Replied Buddy.

"But are you suuuure?" Asked Felix. Buddy looked at him. "Very." The phone rang.

"Finally!" Felix yelled. He picked up and the smile was wiped off of his face like grime off of a window. "What do you want Aaron?"

"Nothing I'm just seeing how you're holding up." Aaron Replied.

"I'm bored as hell and I want to do something but Mr let's follow the rules over here says no." Said Felix.

"Just like, go to the museum or something." Said Aaron. Felix put his hand over the microphone.

"Museum?" Asked Felix.

"What about it?" Asked Buddy.

"Can we go?" Asked Felix.

"Fine." Said Buddy, giving in.

"We're coming." Said Felix.

"Wait, I didn't say I was coming with you-" Felix hung up.

They walked down the many rows of houses until they reached the block of flats. After the partner program, Aaron asked if he could keep the flat because it was the perfect size for him. James didn't care because he never planned to do another Partner Program after the events of the previous one. They went up the stairs and knocked on the door. After a brief moment, Aaron opened it.

"Are you sure you want to go to the museum it was just a suggestion." He said.

"There's nothing else to do we might as well." Said Felix. The trio headed to the train station where they got on the train and went to the museum.

When they arrived, they went and got lunch in the restaurant.

"So, has James given you nothing to do as well?" Asked Felix.

"Yep, I just played PS5 games back to back until I got something to do." Said Aaron.

"Did you get anything to do?" Asked Buddy.

"No." Replied Aaron. As if by magic, Buddy's prayers were about to be answered.. with a phone call.

"That better not be Ozzie again calling to ask what the Wordle is today." He said, picking up.

"Where have you been? I've been trying to call you all morning!" James said.

"Have you got something for us?" Asked Buddy.

"It's not anything special but at least it's something. There have been reports of an abandoned building in the area that's being used for illegal activity and I want you to investigate it." Replied James.

"Ok, we'll check it out." Said Buddy. He hung up. "We've got work to do."

- Universe Change -

Some unspecified Location, 5 Years After the Moonstone Disaster.

"How long have we been walking?" Asked Ben.

"Long enough for you to start moaning about it." Replied Jack.

"It's been like 5 hours." Said Ben.

"And?" Asked Jack.

"And we should stop because I said so." Said Ben.

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