Chapter 3

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Instead of being where they were before the flash, they were in a dark room.

"Hello?" Asked Mike.

"Where are we?" Whispered Troy. He heard movement from the other side of the room. "There's someone else here with us."

Mike got up and started feeling around the room for a light switch. He found one and flipped it on. He and Troy could now see that they were in a large underground warehouse with shelves of boxes everywhere.

They began looking for a door or a telephone or something that could help them get out. What scared them the most was that they swore they could hear other voices and movement all around them. They kept walking until they could see what looked like an opening. They got closer and closer until they finally reached the middle.

It was at that moment they knew.. something wasn't right.

Troy turned and saw another two people of his age. Troy let out a scream before backing into another two people of his age. He was so shocked he started running away from them straight into a dog and a cat.

"Hello could you help us?" Asked the dog. Troy couldn't take it anymore and fainted. Felix looked at Troy before starting to drag him across the floor from where he ran from.

When they got there they could see the others there. They all screamed in surprise for a few seconds at each other before calming down.

"Who the hell are you?" Asked Mike.

"Felix." Said Felix.

"Wait, you can talk?" Asked Mike.

"Why is that so surprising?" Asked Buddy.

"Because we've never seen it before!" Luke said.

"How did you get here?" Asked Jax.

"I don't know!" Ben said.

"None of us do!" Hugo yelled.

After what seemed like a lifetime of searching for an exit, the group re gathered and decided to make a plan.

"If there's no way out how do we make a plan?" Asked Mike.

"We're going to have to force our way out." Said Buddy.

"But how?" Asked Jack.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Replied Buddy.

"Let's focus on what items we've got first." Suggested Ben.

"Good idea." Said Mike. The group began to search around the room until Jax spotted something. It was a vent.

"That's way too high." Said Hugo.

"We can climb on the shelves." Suggested Felix.

"No way, I'm not going up there." Said Hugo.

"What aren't you afraid of?" Asked Luke.

"D-dragonflies.." Hugo said nervously. Luke rolled his eyes.

The group began climbing the shelves until they reached the vent.

"How do we open it?" Asked Jack.

"Leave it to me." Said Felix. He gripped onto the vent and with one fell swoop he yanked the vent cover off and chucked it onto the floor below.

"You have powers too?" Asked Troy, beginning to wake up from his trance. The group got into the vent and started crawling along it until they found another vent. Felix did the same thing and the group got out.

"Where are we?" Asked Ben.

"When are we?" Asked Mike.

No-one recognised where they were.

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