Chapter 7

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"This isn't your house." Said Hugo.

"Nah, it's not mine but I know someone who lives here." Replied the man. "Name's Marc by the way."

They went down a beautiful hallway full of statues and plants until they reached a dining room that looked like it was fit for a king.

"Intruder alert, intruder alert, intruder alert." A voice said from the ceiling.

"Shut up Com, they're not enemies." Said Marc.

"Command received." Said Com.

"Please sit down." Said Marc.

Hugo went to sit in a massive armchair when Marc raced towards him. Hugo screamed.

"Just not there." Said Marc.

"Why?" Asked Hugo.

"Because that's my spot." Marc replied.

"Ok, and?" Asked Hugo.

"You might get mauled if he sees you sat there." Marc replied.

"Who?" Asked Hugo.

"Trust me, you really don't want to know." Marc replied.

Hugo moved to where the rest of the group was sat and Marc breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, you don't know anything about what's going on?" Asked Marc.

"No." Said the group.

"You don't know where you are or when you are or anything?" Asked Marc.

"No." Replied the group.

"Well, long story short something happened with my friends brother that wasn't supposed to happen which gave him ultimate power so he made himself Heir to the throne and if that happens all hell will break loose." Said Marc.

"You can't stop it?" Asked Mike.

"I'm not part of my friends family so I have no say in the choice of Monarchy." Replied Marc.

"Is there a way to stop it?" Asked Troy.

"I've looked in all types of Law Books and Monarchical Hierarchies and everything he's doing is legal." Replied Marc.

"Surely your friend could change the Laws." Said Mitch.

"That's not possible, his brother took all power from him with one fell swoop. Even if he did have the power, it would have to go through other leaders before a change was actually made." Said Marc.

"We could always kill him." Suggested Scott.

"No! We can't kill my friends brother!" Yelled Marc. "Although, Hm that might actually work." He muttered to himself.

"I know." Said Luke.

"What?" Asked Marc.

"We should make a series of games that will determine whether your friend or his brother gets the throne." Replied Luke. Marc smiled.

"Com, arrange a series of games for the Heirs to participate in." Said Marc.

"What kind of games?" Asked Com.

"For gods sake." Marc muttered. "A History test, a Maths test and a Fighting test. Whoever wins 2 out of 3 gets the throne."

Com processed this information.

"What date shall the games be on?" Asked Com.

"19 Hours time." Marc replied.

"Event name?" Asked Com.

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