:Revelations: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I'm gonna test it out, ok?" I told them,  "So back up."

I took a step back, ran, slid and then jumped up. A huge explosion shot me into the air. As I came back down, I rolled and landed like Black Widow kind of. A huge smile was over my face as I ran back to the group. They were staring at me in awe.

I took a bow, but when I stood up straight I saw a horde of zombies running to the door. The largest I'd ever seen. Fear took over as I gathered Primis, Landon, Ben, Aaron and Misty up. We ran out the back of the hanger, and saw more zombies. They were coming from almost everywhere. Running to the third hanger, to right of the one we were in, I slammed the door. This one was full of equipment and stuff. A door labelled Basement was off to the left. 

"Get to that door!!" I yelled,  "Now!!"

The others nodded and ran. Once we had gotten in and locked the door, we walked into it. 

This was not a basement. It was an exact copy of Richtofen's lab from Blood of the Dead. The cryopods, the desk, the map, everything. A lot of devotion went into this lab, as the ones who could remember it could see. A devoted fan had to have made it. There was even another version of Victus in the cryopods, which really creeped Misty out.

"Holy shit.." She said, looking at the other version of her in the cryopod, "This shit is freaky.."

Unknown to everyone at the time, even me, this was the version of Victus that got sucked up by the Dark Aether after the two crews left the dimension they were in. We looked around the whole lab, seeing that everything was exactly the same as the one in the game. Even the walnut teleporter pad worked.. Or, it worked as well as the Blood one did. I ended up breaking this one too, as I always did when I played that map.

"I am going to strangle whoever zhought copying mein lab vas a good idea," Richtofen growled, "It is an exact copy!!"

"Fuckin' nerds.." I muttered, pissed that they couldn't think of anything original. At least it was from a decent videogame series, though.

Suddenly, two scientists burst from the doors on the left.

"Wha- Who are you?" One asked, holding out his 1911.

Both scientists held their guns at us. Being pistols, they weren't very threatening, but a gun is a gun, and that is dangerous.

"We're just trying to stay down here away from the zombies," I told them, "We aren't here to cause trouble."

"How'd you find us?" The other one asked, pissed their lab had been infiltrated by a bunch of weirdos. He gripped his gun tightly.

"I have literally no idea. We just came down into a lab mislabelled as basement," Ben told them, "So... we're just gonna chill here fo-"

"Back off!" The first yelled at Ben, who had taken just a single step forward.

"Woah, woah woah!!" Dempsey yelled, putting his hands in the air, "We're all friends here, let's just calm down and talk this out!!"

"Says zhe meathead who loves to shoot first und ask qvestions later.." Edward muttered.

"Ah, shush dummy.." Tank said, blushing slightly.

I took a step forward, while also setting my guns down on the desk in the middle of the room. The two men backed up a step.

"I promise, we aren't going to hurt you," I told them, hands still in the air, "So long as you don't hurt us." I quickly added that last part.

The first one became a tad bit less tnese, but the other's hands were still shaking a bit. He backed up a bit more, hitting the wall.

"J-just stay away!" He stuttered, "Stay aw-way!!"

I took another step as he said that, and he pulled the trigger. A bullet went into my left shoulder. The first one quickly went at his friend, who was too terrified to register any of this, and got shot in the head. He quickly snapped back to me. I was on the ground, holding my shoulder while keeping an eye on him. Aaron tried to get to me, but the man pointed his gun at my head, causing Aaron to back away.

A shot was fired and the man fell with a bullet in his head. I looked back to see Takeo with a revolver out. He walked over to me and made sure my shoulder was ok. 

"We must head back to the base," Tak said, "I wirr make sure that no more zombies are outside."

He headed back up, and a minute later came back down. He informed us that there was a path out, but that we needed to hurry. Landon pulled out a bottle of Quick Revive and gave it to me. It healed my shoulder but killed my tongue. We all hurried to the truck. I slide jumped along the way, creating explosions that cleared zombies from around us. 

"Quick!!" I yelled, "To the truck!!"

We made it to the truck, Misty and Landon in the back of it, and drove back to the base as fast as we could. While in the vehicle, I noticed Edward had something in his hand, something glowing blue. He noticed my stare, and was quick to shove it into his pocket. We drove to the base in silence, no one wanting to talk about the weird shit we had just seen..

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