⚔Fleeing the Compound

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(Note from the authors: this is the first chapter to be produced by the co-writer, so it will have a slightly different writing style.)

Ben's POV

I was in... shock? Was that it?

My home.. the compound built on my grandparents' farm, which I had lived and worked in, fighting to protect for five years... was being overrun by zombies.

And all on the same day as I found out my two best friends had survived the apocalypse.

I didn't know what to think. How could this have happened?! How did I let myself get so sloppy?!

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone pounding on the door. Arianna, sitting next to me, jumped in surprise. Snarling, I grabbed my revolver off the table next to us and stormed to the door, throwing it open.

There stood the familiar face of Russman, who Henry had stopped me from shooting when he had bitten Aaron's severed leg. Oh how I wished he hadn't. Pulling the revolver up, I aimed the revolver straight at his nose and pulled the trigger.


The corpse of the zombie known as Russman in life fell backward onto the porch, a gaping hole occupying most of its head.

Looking out the door, I saw that other zombies were roaming the yard, and hobbled back to Arianna, saying "Ari, grab some clothes and your guns, we're leaving."

She nodded, knowing the drill, and ran to her room to get the others and their weapons. I meanwhile went to the wall and grabbed my rifle - an SMR with an ACOG scope, an underbarrel grenade launcher, and armor-piercing rounds. Checking it was loaded, I re-stocked my Executioner and grabbed my second one, putting them in their holsters on my belt.

This done, Arianna returned with my younger sister Danielle, older sister Alex, and our Uncle Pierre in tow. All were armed with various rifles and shotguns. Nodding, I went out the door first after grabbing my hat, and we blasted several zombies as we made our way toward the garage.

Then, I saw Henry and the others at the gate, and yelled for them to come to me. They did, and I pointed them to the garage. "Get inside, there's something in there that'll get us out of this place!" I shouted, blasting another zombie's head off.

I turned and came face to face with one, freezing up completely as I saw who it was.
"Dad!" I screamed as the zombie screeched. Then, a round was planted through its head by Tyler. "COME ON!" he yelled.

I hobbled toward the door, but heard Henry scream. Off to the side, he and Aaron were desperately shooting at zombies swarming them, when Tyler bolted out the door. He went face-to-face with them, knifing one.

That was his greatest mistake, because before he killed it, the zombie - which looked like Stewlinger - bit him on the arm.

Marlton screamed, and I fired my SMR several times at the zombies surrounding my friends. They ran up, Henry protesting and crying, begging us to save Tyler, but there was nothing we could do. The young man looked at us, crying, and pointed his pistol at his head, closing his eyes and pulling the trigger.

Henry didn't see it, for we had pushed him into the garage. Inside, the Mercedes-Benz LG3000 we kept was waiting, with the others already on board. I shot the lock on the garage doors and clambered aboard, helping Aaron up as someone charged the truck forward. We burst out of the garage into the night air, running over several zombies and bursting through the half-closed gates.

Sat in the back, I couldn't stop myself from looking back at the compound slowly fading from sight.

Then, despite all I had been through, all I had lost, all I had done in the last five years...

I broke down crying.

My home and family were gone forever.

Back Another Round - BO4 Zombies Afterstoryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن