The New Crew

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My POV (Trans Male)

So, we're just shooting, grabbing ammo from chalk drawings, getting guns from the magic box, and hearing a weird-ass disembodied voice shout out things like Max Ammo! and Insta Kill!
The normal.

"Hey, Russman!! Maybe you could use some walking lessons!!" I shputed at the older man, who was stumbling around drunkenly.

"Oh, *hic*, fuck you Henry!" He shouted back at me.

"You know, I'd rather survive than be ripped apart by the undead you guys!!" Marlton yelled as he started to get swarmed.

Groaning, I go and reluctantly save his ass.

So, yea. The normal.

But then, out of fucking nowhere, these four random men walk through a magic red portal in the middle of rhe round.

"The fuck are you guys?!" I say, lowering my gun in confusion, stabbing a zombie in the head.

A dude in an aviator jacket screans into the sky, another wearing a ushanka hat throws this ornate book into a lava pit in frustration, a dude with a man bun facepalms while the last one is shouting at the first for jinxing them.

"Hm, I wonder where I've seen people like that before," I say to myself sarcastically, looking at my crew, doing almost the exact same thing.

Misty was yelling at Stewlinger for listening to the German man, who was screaming at the sky voice to help them out. Russman was drinking some random vodka that came out of a box while blasting zombie skulls and Marlton was just face palming at the absurdity of both groups.

"Hey, if you're just gonna stand their and bitch, just go get bitten already!!" I yell at the new crew.

They hear me, say something to each other, and get to work, tearing through the undead at speeds impossible for the average human to achieve.

While fighting, they start to gt to know my group. The aviator guy was Tank Dempsey, an Irish-American marine. The ushanka hat man was a Russian named Nikolai Belinski. Man Bun Man was Takeo Masaki and the last one was the German doctor that Stewlinger used to have in his head, Edward Richtofen.

"Wait, Richtofen?!" Stew practically screamed when the German introduced himself.

"Ah.. Stewlinger. I remember jou."


Misty just rolled her eyes as Russman drunkenly yelled at Stew.

"Why was I stuck with these idiots..." Marlton asked himself.

Tank walked over to me, knifing a zombie on his way.

"You're not bad with that, girlie," he said to me.

I look at him with a dead stare.
"Ok, two things. Ine, I am not a 'girlie', I identify as male, so don't ever say that again, and two. Are you fucking hitting on me?"

The Irish-American went to say something, but didn't know what to say and walked away silently.

"How did jou do zhat, frau? Ve have been trying to shut zhe American up for ages!!" Richtofen asked me from halfway across the map.

I rolled my eyes, point my MOG-12 at a couple undead freaks and blast their rotten brains out of their heads. Winter's Howl signaled the end of the round and we herded the new guys to our base for the night.

Back Another Round - BO4 Zombies AfterstoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin