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Nothing. That is what I felt. My head was light as I was shoved into a vehicle. As we drove by, I glanced out the window to see my brother lying on the ground, blood slowly leaving a bullet hole in the side of his head. A tear rolled down my cheek.

The truck pulled over at the side of the road in the morning, so we could all stretch our legs and whatnot. My door opened, and I stumbled out of the truck. I walked a bit away from the others, stopping right in front of a zombie trapped under rubble. I sank onto my knees. Looking at my hands, I balled them up and smashed in the zombie's head. I brought them down once more and it's blood splattered on my face. My head went light, and my anger at myself boiled up inside.

Something cold and metal was held to my head. I faintly heard Ben yelling at me. I turned my head to see his angry face. The others looked at him in shock. Richtofen pointed his gun to Ben, and Ben's crew pointed their guns at Richtofen, which caused Primis and Misty to point their guns at each other. Aaron had a pained look on his face as he pointed at Ben. It was a sort of standoff.

"Maybe I should pull the trigger. You certainly deserve it.."

I looked at him, and said only two words.

"Kill me."

What I said startled him.

"What did you say?" He asked me, lowering the gun.

"I saild KILL ME!!!" I screamed, tears rolloing down my face, "My entire family is dead!! I lost my parents the day the zombies came, I found the bodies of my little sisters in a ditch, half eaten, my dog is a fucking hell hound, and the only family member left just stuck a bullet through his head!!"

Ben took a step back. Realizing he wouldn't do it, I grabbed my MOG-12 and pointed it at my chin. Just before I could turn the safety off, Ben kicked it away.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ben asked me.

"I have nothing.." I said, looking at him, "What is the point of life when everyone who has been there with you is dead? When you have seen the bodies of your entire family? When your little sisters, only 12 and 14, were eaten alive and laying dead in a ditch?"

My old friend sighed and knelt, holstering his revolver and looking me in the eyes. This close I could see scar tissue on his face as his brown eyes stared into my own. Seeming to think for a few seconds, he put his hands on my arms and spoke.

"You're right. I don't know how you feel, and I can never claim to. But I do know what it's like to see the bodies of your family, knowing there was nothing you could have done to save them. That sense of loss is incredible, and I know because my father turned last night. So did my stepmother. My aunt. My cousins. My grandmother, my grandfather."

He sighs again, and though it was clearly hard for him he held eye contact and continued speaking.

"I had friends and family back at the Compound, Henry. The only thirty people I knew for a fact who were still alive. Now the only people I have left from there are my sisters and my uncle. They are the only family I have left that I know of. But I have them. Just as I have you. Just as I have Aaron. And I swear to whatever god may be watching that I will fight to the day I die to protect you."

He wraps his arms around me, speaking softly into my ear.

"You have people too, Henry. You have me, and Aaron, and the crews. We can never fill the hole in your heart. But we can sure as hell try. And we will. I'm sorry for threatening you like that, I wasn't thinking properly."

I broke down crying. My bloddied hands laying in my lap. I leaned into my friend and we sat there for a good while.

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