A Million Thoughts In My Head

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I stumbled towards the man I thought was dead, who had only grown a little bit taller, making him the same height as me.

"I-I thought you were.. I saw yo..."

I couldn't speak, my tears flooded ny vison as I walked slowly to my boyfriend, gently holding him close, a million thoughts running through my mind.

"Woah, hey.. I-I'm alright.. See?"

He put a finger under my chin and raised my face to look at his. I looked into his beautiful green eyes, the eyes that had a snall bit of hazel around the pupil, a soft green all around it. They sparkled with tears on a dirty face, amd I couldn't help but kiss him.

It took him by surprise, but he melted into the kiss, taking it slow. He still had the softest lips ever.
When we broke for breath, we were met with the stares of everyone else except Nikolai and Takeo, who were busy holding off zombies.

"Pardon me, Henry but who iz zhis.. boy?" Richtofen asked me.

"This is my boyfriend, thank you very much, Mr. I-Can't-Keep-My-Pants-On-Around-Dempsey," I said to him with a snarky tone.

This caused both Richtofen and Dempsey to go red in the face.

"I don't care 'ho the fuck it is, they led a shit ton a zombies right to our front door!!" Russman slurred, confirming my suspicions that he was drunk eaier than usual.

"I don't know who you think you are," I started, a look of dead seriousness in my eyes, "But if you even think of considering laying even an eyelash on him in anger, you are going to die slowly and painfuly to a crawler with dulled down fingernails.."

Russman gulped and nodded, taking a fee steps back in fear.

"Now, let's show these freakbags who they're messing with!!!" I screamed, getting a cheer from everyone, and an "Ooh-rah!" out of Dempsey.

And we ran out, guns a blazing, a look of evil in our eyes.

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