A Familiar Friend

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"We're running out of food," Misty said, "We need to find more."

"Where would we look?" I asked, holding Aaron's hand, "We've checked everywhere here. I certainly don't want to head back to my old town.."

Aaron sighed. "We may have no choice. I was taking inventory with Misty, and all we have is enough for another week."

Everyone went silent, each looking at another in hopes of any ideas surfacing.

"Face it, kid. We're gonna need to go there." Misty said to me.

Reluctantly, I agreed. Me and Aaron were to head back, accompanied by the Primis crew. Back to the town where we didn't want to return to.

After a day's travel, our groups of shit heads had arrived.

"Our old home..." I said to myself.

"Come on," Takeo said softly after a bit, "We gotta get food.."

I nodded, and we were off, headed towards the abandoned Sobeys, but it was out of food. We tried our luck at the Food Basics, but all we found were gutted corpses.

"There's nothing left.." Aaron breathed.

"There's one more place," I said to him, "Remember that farm?"

Aaron's face lit up as he remembered. We immediately ran over there. A huge gate stood in the way, but Nikolai had no trouble forcing it down. Rushing in, we held our guns high in case undead attacked.

A shot was fired at my foot, and when I looked in the direction it came from, my eyes watered a bit.
Aaron noticed I saw something, and when he looked over, he had the same reaction.

Our best friend had survived the apocalypse, and we were staring right at him.

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