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Henry's POV

I caught Aaron as he blacked out, but then noticed something on the back of his foot. Carefully, I lifted up his pant leg and was met with a horrible sight.

"No.. no no no no NO NO NOOO!!!"

Tears flooded my eyes as I stared at the bloody bite mark on his leg. The others noticed my distraught look and turned their direction to where I was looking.

The others backed away quickly. I just sat there, holding him. He must have been bitten by a crawler when we were in the Sobeys. We had run into a couple of them.

"Henry.." Dempsey started, "Y-you need to back away from him.."

Aaron hadn't started to turn yet, the bite still being fresh. The jnfectuo would take a while to spread, meaning if we wanted him to survive, we would have to act quick.

"We are going to save him, you asshole," I said to him, "And if you even think about letting him die, you will be the next to be bitten. Understood?"

Tank looked at me, and seeing I wasn't joking, nodded his head.

I picked him up and brought him into the compound, and lay him on a bed. Against what I wanted, they tied his arms and kegs tk the bed to restrain him, should he turn.

"Thsi doesn't feel right, guys.." I said as they did that.

Dempsey gave me a look of sympathy, and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Ve should take a look at zhe bite mark," Richtofen said, "And make sure it hasn't gotten worse."

Unfortunately, it had spread up his leg a bit, some of the veins turning purple. I drew a dotted line avove the infected part with a sharpie, which only left less than half of his lower right leg.

Richtofen left the room, only to return with a saw and medical bag. I forced myself to leave the room, so that I wouldn't have to see any of the procedure.

Later, we radioed Victus and told them to come over here, so that we would all stay together. They made their way over, and Russman was drunk, of course...

After a while, Edward came out, with a plastic grocery bag with red splattered inside it. I knew it was the leg right away. I ran right to where Aaron was to make sure he was ok.

Groaning could be heard from his room, and when I went to check, J saw he was sweating and wincing in pain, his leg bandaged up.

"Oh, shit.." I said, sad to see him in such pain.

I was about to go and hug him when I heard a yell come from one of the crew.


I was worried, so I walked out to see Russman with a dark, blackish red liquidnon his lower lip and chin.

He was holding the severed leg, a chunk of flesh taken out of it.

And he didn't look like himself, either.

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