Surprises, Surprises, and A Drunk German

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Standing in the living room, me and Aaron had a surprised look on our faces.

"Well. That's.." I started, surprised, "Damn, Yzerman, that's great. I'm happy for you, man."

Aaron looked at him and nodded. Ben smiled and looked at his wife, who smiled back at him. 

"There sure are a crap ton of couples here," I said chuckling, "Me and Aaron, you and Ari, Tank and Ed."

Tank blushed when he and Edward were mentioned. 

"Jou forgot vone."

I looked at Richtofen puzzled, and then noticed Takeo and Nikolai trying to get him to shut up. I was confused at first, but then it dawned on me. Of course, it made sense!

"Waaait.... Are you implying that Tak and Nik are..?"

Richtofen grinned and nodded, smirking at the Jap and Russian, who were blushing and shifting around nervously. I stiffled a chuckle, so as to not ebarass them any futher.

"Don't be embarassed, guys," I told them, "It's adorable."

Takeo blushed and held onto Nikpolai's arm cutely. 

"So, when'd that happen?"I asked them, "Alcatraz, Nuketown, the Division 9 facility, around the campfire, Der Riese, WW1 trenches, Der Eisendrache castle?"

"thtrnchs" Tak mumbled, making it really hard to hear him.

"Vhat vas zhat?" Richtofen asked.

"The trenches.." Tak said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Wait, Takeo liked me that early?" Nikolai asked, surprised.

The Jap blushed, sat down on a couch, and lowered his head. Nikolai sat down and wrapped an arm around the smaller man. Takeo leaned his head on Nik's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"I did not know you liked me that early as well, Takeo."

Me and everyone else were watching, seeing the cuteness unfold.

"So, ve all liked each ozher at first sight? Vow.. Did not expect zhat.." Edward said.

Dempsey ruffled the German's hair, causing him to squeal in anger.

"Thomas!!!" Richtofen squealed, "Thomas, no!!"

We all turned to look at the other two. Did he just call Tank.. Thomas?

"Excuse me, what?" Nikolai said, a look of surprise and confusion on his face.

"E-Edward!!!" Dempsey exclaimed, face red,"I told you not to call me that around others!!"

"I- I didn- I'm-" Richtofen stuttered.

"No, no. Shut up," Dempsey snapped, "Just shut up. I don't need you telling the entire room another thing I confided in you."

"T-Tank.. I'm sorry, ok? I vas jus-"

"I said shut up!! Just shut. The hell. UP!!!"

Edward looked at Dempsey, eyes wide and starting to tear up,  scared of the American and ashamed of the fact that he let one of Tank's secrets out. He quickly got up and ran into the kitchen, wiping tears from his eyes and sniffling. Dempsey looked down, head in his hands and ashamed of his behaviour towards Richtofen. Nikolai was giving him a look of anger. Aaron walked over to him and slapped him, surprising the hell out of the marine. I looked through the window into the kitchen, worried about Ed.

"I'm gonna go check on him. But Tank," I looked at him, "You're going to have to apologize."

I walked out of the living room, through the dining room, and into the kitchen, where I saw Edward draining an entire unopened bottle of wine. I stared for a second, then walked over to him.

"Hey, want someone to drink with?" I asked him.

Richtofen nodded and I grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the china cabinet in the dinning room. I walked back to the kitched and poured a glass for me and Ed. We drank in silence, as I wanted Edward to talk only when he was ready. The German sighed and set his empty glass down.

"Vhy does he have to be like zhat," Rich said, slurring slightly, "I just vish he vould be a bit calmer.."

"Yeah, Tank can get pretty.. angry.." I said.

"Und how vould jou know zhat?" Edward asked me.

"Remember, in this dimension, you guys are from a videogame."

Rich nodded, and poured himself another glass of whiskey, dowining it almost instantly.

"Woah, slow down buddy," I told him, "You don't wanna get too drunk."

"Nein.. I just vant to get rid of zhis sadness.."

I grabbed the glass from him and put it on the kitchen table, which had a crap ton of canned foods we grabbed from the compound when we were there. Unfortunatley, he just grabbed the bottle and chugged it, coughing afterwards.

"Shit, dude!" I said, "Don't drink all our alcohol!"

The German slid down to the floor and put his head in his hands. He sat there, crying softly. I sat beside him, arm around his shoulders. He leaned his head into my shoulder.

"Hey, Edward.." I said softly, "It's ok.."

Then, Tank walked into the room. Richtofen looked up to see the American walking over, thumbs in his pants pockets and a look of self-disapointment on his face.

"Vha *hic* vhat do jou vant?" Ed slurred.

Tank looked pained that he made Richtofen so upset he got drunk.

"I.. I came to apologize.." Dempsey told him, "I blew up at you for a stupid reason.. And I hate how I acted.. I hurt you..."

Richtofen looked the other way, unsure of if he should forgive him.

"I.. don't need you to forgive me, but just know that I am so fucking sorry. I wish I didn't have such a temper, I-"

Richtofen had gotten up while Dempsey was talking and walked over to him, cutting him off with a kiss. It took the marine by surprise, but he soon melted into the kiss. A hand travelled down to Tank's pants, and my eyes immediatley grew wide.

"Woah woah woah!!" I said quickly, "Take this upstairs, please!!"

Ed blushed a bit and grabbed Tank's hand, leading him upstairs.

"Geez.. I said to myself, sitting down in a chair, "That escalated quickly.."

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