45 16 13

Bungalow A

"What, I was just giving it a try, you know," Cameron ran his fingers through his hair, "Kids here are so nonchalant that it's a lost cause when you try to be a leader."

Instructor Ben gave him a little tap on the shoulder and sighed with a slight smile. 

"Don't mind him, kids; this is how he behaves even with us." Ben smiled at us, and the corners of his eyes rippled with a natural wrinkle. His eyes held a crystal color of dark brown and stood out under his long wavy hair meshes. The setting sun's light seemed to duet perfectly with his pinkish skin. His thin pink lips seemed glazed like polished resin over a coin.

"Here, show them the schedule you get there," Ben handed a pile of papers over to Cameron, "And, get a good night's rest, Cameron. You've owned it for all your hard work today."

Cameron muttered under his breath, quickly going over the papers his associate had handed him. 

As we followed Cameron away from the loud grumbling bus, I observed the area. Sticks and metal pieces laid here and there. Chairs were displayed down the patio around large plastic round tables. The sheds ahead were a colorful color palette. Far ahead, above the trees, was a glowing sunset, letting out a light tone of orange in the sky across a big, vast lake. On the lake, faint ripples bounced spasmodically on its surface. There were plastic wastes scruffily lying on the ground as we stepped further towards the bungalows. I could hear brittle sounds of a distant chirp and debris that crackled under my feet.

"This must be it, bungalow A."

The building was small and held a shed-like structure all around it. Cameron twisted open the grey metallic knob, and dried particles of dirt fell to the ground as thin puffs of dust danced in the air around us, blown away by soft winds. Our steps resonated as we stepped into the compartment.

"This can't be where we're sleeping, right?" Asked Luke shakingly.

"What, have you been spooked already? Jonathan teased in the direction of Luke. I don't see anything spooky. Rumors went around that this place would be cursed... though I don't seem to spot any ghost swarming around."

"What are you talking about?" Luke questioned as his brows furrowed. He squeezed his teddy bear against his chest, rolling behind him a sizeable bag.

"Cursed?" Will asked, lifting his head up from his finger fiddlings.

"Yes, cursed. The St. Crown Lake is known for its splendid ringlet aspect and golden reflection at 12 o'clock. People say a ghost resides there," Jonathan mimicked bunny eyes with his index fingers. "'He haunts whoever dares to trespass and creeps up to them with a diabolical smile.' People have told me he looked like a big, scrawny, and smelly monster with a long jagged rip on his face."

I shivered under the light material of my assortedly colored camp shirt. Ghosts. The walls around us were a crackling shade khaki color. Something similar to the odor of mold wandered across the room furnished with odd carpet colors. The compartment smelled like a freshly painted empty room.
Nonetheless, I could see and sense the rotten moisture creeping in from along the darkest corners of the chamber. I loathed these kinds of environments, for they were like trying to put deodorant over a mucky body.

"Boys, over here." Cameron pointed towards one of the dark rooms. There were two rooms in the small hallway. 'Washroom' was written on one of the door panels. A bedroom-like logo was maladroitly sketched on the other. Three little bed cushions were propped onto metal bed traverses. I had brought my own blankets, for I did not picture myself laying down on any of the thin plaquettes of yellow sponge. Jonathan yanked his backpack on one of them, marking his territory with a squawking plop. The metal bars holding up the bunk beds jingled under his feet as he escalated the bed's ladders with distinct excitement written all over his face. He patted the thin cushion with a grin.

"The mattress is so skinny, what the heck. How are we supposed to sleep comfortably on it when I can almost feel the metal stick under it?" Jonathan questioned with a brow raise. His blond hair wavered with his head movement. "Aren't these trips even supposed to be five stars and all that stuff?"

"You're gonna dream about the five stars when you're fast asleep," Joked Cameron with a shrug. "Besides, when you were nominated, your families didn't pay a cent. All the materials we have here are financed by the government. He adjusted his glasses and domed his fingers up, shaking them up and down. We, camp monitors, are just here to guide you through and make sure nothing happens to you."

"I cannot possibly feel like I'm in complete security with this, he pointed at the bed, literally poking into my back," his eyebrows crinkled. "Look."

Jonathan gave the bed a subtle smack. We watched the bunk bed wiggle sloppily as if it were going to collapse on itself.

"Well, we'll have to deal with it. The government offered this to us; we can find a way to fix it and improve it. Like doubling the cushions up." Our instructor suggested with a spasmodical gesticulation of his hands.

Jonathan stood on the bed silently there for a moment.
"All I wanted were some thrilling and exciting adventures when I decided to come here..." Jonathan mumbled as he climbed down the bed at once. He stumbled out of the room with a fixed gaze on his face.

"I'll be in the washroom."

"Alright, but don't take up too much time. We'll have a little group discussion about the activities that have been planned for this weekend."


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Thanks for reading again guys! I hope to see you again in the chapters to come! :3 If you have any thoughts and comments about the flow of the story, the writing style or the characters, comment down below. I'd be glad to hear any recommendations and suggestions to make this story better! Have a good day dear readers! <3

P.S. 🗣some exciting news!! I'm planning on making aesthetics for the characters, playlists, stickers and all that fun stuff, so stay tuned!!!!

And hey, don't forget to click that yellow star if you appreciate the story! Thanks for the support :D Ily guys ssm

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