Chapter 21

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    "When we get out of here I'm asking Selmmie on a date."

    "Sounds good. She's been waiting for a good man long enough."

    "What happened to Eridani's father?"

    "Selmmie used a sperm donor. She wanted kids but she couldn't find a man she wanted to have them with." They were taking a break for lunch. The creek in the center of the canyon was running higher and more violently. It wasn't in danger of encroaching on their walking path but Nimma would feel a lot better once they left it behind.

    The shadow cats of the poem continued along their path. Nimma kept waiting to see one pointing in a direction they wouldn't be taking but so far it hadn't happened.

    "Are you brave enough to try another apple?" Nimma and Grant found there was much more to making fruit edible than just willing it to grow. Most of the apples tasted alright but there were a few that had no taste at all or what Nimma imagined cardboard would taste like.

    The peaches were worse with most having no taste and the grapes were sour. Nimma wasn't sure what that meant for the nutritional value but she preferred it to the MRE powder.

    "Sure. If I ask Selmmie why she calls you Bright Eyes will she answer?"

    "Why are you caught up on that?" Nimma laughed.

    "It's just weird. Don't get me wrong your eyes are a lovely grey but they're not bright."

    "You want the truth?"

    "Yeah. I promise not to tell if it's embarrassing for you."

    "It's a lyric from my favorite song. I used to sing it all the time but my singing voice isn't good. She caught me singing it when I thought I was alone."

    "How bad could it be?" Nimma sung a couple bars loudly and Grant covered his ears. "You're horrible."

    "I'll say." The new voice came from the left. Nimma turned to see an unknown man with a gun pointed at her temple. They were taking their break at the front of a big curve. The man had snuck up from the other side and the rain combined with rushing of the creek muffled his footsteps. "No sudden movements. Touch that piece at your side and you die."

    "We don't mean any harm," Nimma said making no movement at all. "My friend and I are on our way out of the canyon." At this point more men started to come around the corner all armed and to Nimma's astonishment she recognized a face. "Jace Sinclair."

    "Nimma Rigel." Jace was just as dumbfounded to see her.

    "Did you say Rigel?" The first man moved his gun closer to Nimma's head. "As in Regina?"

    "Umm." Jace looked back her for the answer.

    "Yes," Nimma clarified.

    "Blindfold them, tie their hands, take their packs, and disarm her. Stand." Nimma helped Grant up and stood still as the men relieved them of their things. The blindfold slipped over her eyes and zip ties bound her hands behind her back.


    Nimma heard lots of movement and voices. Grant was breathing a few feet to her right. She did her best to focus on the voice of the man who'd held the gun to her head. He was either the leader or very close to the leader of whatever this operation was.

    "Trespassers. Two. Rigel. I don't know." Those were the words she could make out. Nimma wondered if he was speaking on the phone because she didn't hear any responses when the man paused. The blindfold was still over her eyes and hadn't slipped a millimeter, leaving sound as the most reliable way to obtain information.

    Whoever these people were it was clear they were here illegally. The question was why were they here? Nimma could think of only one reason and it wasn't good.

    "Let's talk to them," a woman said.

    Of course, Nimma thought bitterly. The blindfold was roughly yanked from her head and there stood Celeste Towers alongside the main gunmen.

    "Isn't this fortuitous?" Celeste regarded Nimma and Grant coldly. "Both black sheep of the family reunited alongside our greatest enemy. You know Nimma I've got to admit I'm surprised to find you with him. After all we got into in high school, a Towers is the last person I'd expect to find you traveling with."

    It took Nimma a full minute to grasp what Celeste said. Her spine felt rigid and her jaw locked as she turned her head to look at Grant. He wouldn't meet her eyes.

    "Oh. Well I guess this will have to be added to the list of wrongs you've attributed to my family. I don't care about that though. What led you to this canyon?"

    When Nimma didn't answer Celeste snapped her fingers and the main gunmen slapped her. Nimma whistled through the sting and turned her head to glare at Celeste.

    "Why are you here?" Nimma countered. "Got tired of cocktail parties and cotillions?"

    Another slap.

    "You don't hit nearly as hard as my company mates."

    Celeste bent down in front of Nimma with a smile. "You know what? This is fun but we both we know why you're here. 'Sweeping valley filled with lies–Pack of falsehoods act as guide.'"

    The shock Nimma felt from hearing those words tainted by the current speaker lasted only a second. That second was enough for Celeste to see the truth in Nimma's eyes.

    "The poem is genuine then. That's good. I'd hate to think I've wasted my time in this hellhole."

    "Where did you hear that?" Nimma demanded in a soft voice that masked just how angry she was.

    "Papers. Old ones. Those theories about Regina having accomplices were true. It turns out one of our staff was slipping her information for years. I found the letters they wrote each other by accident and figured I'd hold onto the information until such a time I needed it."

    "Why do you need it?" Nimma taunted. "Mommy and daddy cut you off and you need another way to buy friends so you don't feel like miserable bitch you've always been?"

    Celeste turned red and punched Nimma.

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