Chapter 12

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"I don't like this." Grant chewed on his MRE and frowned. "Ever since we got back on the path we haven't heard any birdsong or seen signs of animals at all."

"I'm more concerned about the rain," Nimma said. The detour they'd taken to get uphill of the river had taken a day and a half but in that time the rain hadn't stopped. Everything was soaked so no fires could be made and they were relying on small candles inside the tent for warmth as the night temperatures continued to plummet. Whichever one was keeping watch now sat in the tent holding the candle while the other slept. "I know we're supposed to be out of danger from the river now if it floods but if this rain keeps up..."

Grant scowled into the darkening night. "I know but hopefully it'll stop soon. If it floods it floods and all we can do is head for higher ground. Even in this weather there should be animals around. It's not natural. Can I stand watch with that pistol of yours? There's got to be a predator around for the woods to be this silent."

"Shadow cat?" Nimma asked as she handed over the holstered gun.

"Maybe but I can't be sure."

"You know how to use that?"

"I'm not an expert but yeah I've got it."


"Command Pilot Rigel." A Basic Airman ran up to Nimma as she was descending the ladder from her fighter jet. She'd just come back from leading a dead reckoning training exercise and wanted nothing more than a hot shower. The Airman saluted her as she hit the ground. "Report to General Ryan's tent immediately."

"Thank you Airman." Nimma handed her helmet to the young man and told him to put it with her bunk. General Ryan was the highest ranking person on base at the moment and Nimma had only ever seen him from a distance. His tent was on the north side of the base with the Myrasian flag flying over it. Nimma ran in that direction not wanting to keep the man waiting.

There wasn't much wind today so the purple, blue and green flag hung limply from the pole.

"Command Pilot Rigel reporting in as ordered, Sir." Nimma called from outside the tent. The two guards said nothing.

"Enter." One guard held open the tent for her as was his duty and she nodded in thanks.

Nimma entered and stood at attention before the desk of General Ryan. He was a gruff man both in voice and appearance. A cigar sat burning in an ashtray as he went over a mountain of paperwork.

"At ease," he commanded.

"You wanted to see me, Sir?"

"Yes. I want you to fly a mission bringing aid to a village on the north side of Fangborn Forest. The Rebels have hit the area hard and the villagers and our men are in desperate need of supplies. The plane is being loaded now and you will leave at 0500 hours tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir." Nimma was confused. While this was an important mission it was hardly worth a face to face with a general.

"Come closer and look at this Rigel." A map showing troop movements both of their soldiers and of the enemy was open on the desk. "We've received intelligence that a force of three thousand is heading for this base. I don't have to tell you that our numbers have been spread thin the last four months. We believe that they will attempt to take the base. Because of this I have decided that instead of going around the forest you will fly the most direct route to the village over the forest."

Now it made sense. Fangborn Forest had a reputation for being haunted among the locals. Strange things went on in that place and more than one group of soldiers had disappeared when sent on missions that cut through the forest. Not everyone who went in disappeared but the phenomenon was common enough that early on in the war it had been decided that unless absolutely necessary no one was to be sent in.

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