Chapter 6

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By the time they got in the lobby Eridani had already passed the front desk and was barking orders to the group under her supervision. Nimma smiled at the sight.

"Hello Selmmie. Who's your friend?" The female desk clerk smiled.

"This is Nimma. Nimma this is Sue Ascella." Selmmie and Sue made small talk as Nimma admired a bouquet of flowers on the front desk. The card read that it was a thank you from the local Phoenix Girl troupe for helping them earn their rock climbing merit badges. Yellow roses, blue seed flowers, and tiny pink bell flowers, they made a wonderful picture and did a lot to brighten the dark colored interior of the building.   

"Selmmie!" An enthusiastic male voice called.

"Hi Grant." Selmmie's eyes brightened as a tall man with purple hair approached them. Of all the hair colors one could have purple was the rarest naturally occurring. His hair was natural no dye could quite capture the deep rich color that sat atop his head. He had bright green eyes which popped with the darkness of his clothes.     

"I think your daughter is trying to put the fear of God in those kids." Grant smirked.

"She gets that from her Aunt." Selmmie jerked her head in Nimma's direction. Grant turned his head as if noticing Selmmie wasn't alone for the first time. Given the goo-goo eyes he and Selmmie were making at each other that was probably true.  

"I'm Grant Vega."

"Nimma Rigel." As usual with people familiar with their town history Grant did a double take at her last name. Seeing that his name was Vega she shouldn't have been surprised. Most, but not all, of all the islanders that founded Star City were named for stars and many of their descendants never moved away. It was a Myrasian tradition and the highest percentage of islanders named for the heavens lived in Star City.

"As in...?"

"I'm a descendant of hers, yeah."

"Oh I see. Interesting. Selmmie told me you wanted to speak with me about something?"   

"Yes, do you have an office we could use?"  

"Right this way."

"Good luck, Bright Eyes," Selmmie called.

Grant led Nimma to the upper level of the building where the offices looked down on the climbing floor. His office was very impersonal. There were no pictures of family or any other personal effects one would expect in someone so friendly.                

"You're a friend of Selmmie?" he asked as they took a seat.

"Our parents were close so we grew up together. Even though she's five years older than me we've always been good friends."    

"I only know her through my work here. Eridani is one of the best in Junior Climbers. You must be the Aunt she complains about making her do push-ups."   

"Only when she misbehaves."

"It's a bit unusual for me to have meetings with clients like this until they've booked something with us but for Selmmie, well..." his cheeks darkened a little.     

"I understand. Thank you for this. I'll get straight to it. I need to go to Shadow Cat Canyon but the Rangers won't have anyone available for months. I need to start on Morik 19. I talked to a man called Ranger Jacobs. He said if you would agree to be my guide that's the only way I can do this that soon." Nimma slid over the paperwork she'd filed for the permit. Grant leaned back in his chair an expression that was hard to read crossed his face. Grant grabbed a pair of glasses from his desk and went through everything.
    "You filled out the special weapons section."      

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