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    Regions and towns across the world have legends, folktales, and myths. Some are pure imaginings of story tellers, while others are rooted in more truth than we think or care to admit. The island of Myras is no different. Among them there is tale that's captivated many since childhood.

     It's the history of Regina Rigel. Her attempt to strike back at the ones responsible for the atrocities she and the people of her town suffered, catapulted her into local legend. How did she pull off over ten robberies of the most influential and powerful family Myras has ever known? How did she multiple times navigate The Disillusion Mountains without suffering the horrible fates of others who dare step foot there? How on earth did she do this time and time again without help while pregnant? Why did she disappear without a trace after leaving her daughter with relatives when the girl was just three years old? The question most have when hearing her story–what happened to the gold? To this day over two hundred years later no one has ever answered these questions.             

    Regina Rigel's story is one of murder, vengeance, justice and some say magic.

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