Chapter 5 - Hot chocolate and kittens

Start from the beginning

"Magnus, I need warm cloth. Bring a soft towel," he ordered Magnus firmly.

Magnus ran to the bathroom and got what he asked for. Alec picked up the kitten, put him in the towel, covered him up and began to gently rub his little body. Snowflake and Magnus watched him anxiously. After a few minutes, they saw the little head move.

"Look, Magnus, he's alive," said Alec, relieved. He warmed him for a few more moments, then handed the baby back to Snowflake.

"Thank you, Alexander, thank you. I can't tell you how grateful I am that you helped me and were here with me. I couldn't have done this alone." Then Magnus unexpectedly hugged Alec, and the touch suddenly made them both feel as if an electric had run through them. Without thinking, Alec hugged him back, but at that moment he cried out loudly in pain.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt you? Are you in pain? " asked Magnus anxiously

"No, it wasn't you, it was my ribs... "Alec closed his eyes and said nothing else. Magnus sensed something was wrong.

"But what happened?" He asked

"Nothing, it's nothing really" said Alec. "Let's look at the kittens and Snowflake."  Alec changed the subject.

Magnus didn't want to push it, they barely knew each other. But it bothered him. They turned to the kittens. Snowflake was proving to be a great mom. She had cleaned her babies and fed them, tired but peaceful. They both smiled, glad that everything was all right.

"Shall we call Ragnor? " asked Alec.

"Of course, he has to know that everything is OK now"

"Ragnor, guess what, 5 healthy kittens and a proud mom are lying here in front of me. Alec helped me very professionally, I had a few panic attacks, but that's in the past. We're all fine. And sorry to interrupt your weekend rest at this late hour. " said Magnus. Alexander is here, I'll put you on speaker."

"Oh, no problem my friend, I'm glad everything's all right. You calm down, I know sometimes you over dramatize things, but it must have been hard. I'm going back to New York on Wednesday, I'll go to your place that evening and check on the darlings. Alec, I'm proud of you. You're gonna make a very good veterinarian someday." Ragnor said goodbye.

Magnus suddenly jumped up. "Time for a little celebration, I'm going to make some hot chocolate. Do you like it? "

"Yes, that would be lovely, thank you."

Magnus went into the kitchen, followed by Alec. Now he had time to look around a little more, and he was amazed. Magnus' apartment was beautiful. It was huge, spacious. Modern minimalist furnishings, yet cozy and welcoming. Perhaps because of the surprisingly large number of books, which Alec noticed immediately.

"Magnus, your apartment is very nice. Do you live here alone? You can't be much older than me."

He immediately put his hand over his mouth "Oh sorry, that's too personal, I didn't mean to say it out loud.

Meanwhile the hot chocolate was ready, Magnus sprinkled little marshmallow pieces on top. He placed them on the kitchen island and sat down on the other side opposite Alec.

"Alexander darling, after we helped my cat give birth to her kittens together, no problem with personal questions."

'He said darling,' he thought, getting goosebumps.

"I've taken great care with the decor, and yes, I live here alone, and yes, I'm probably not much older than you. I am 25 years old. My mom died a long time ago. I lived with my father. When I started university I moved here. This is one of my dad's apartments. He led a lifestyle that was too boisterous for me, I couldn't concentrate on my studies. He owns Pandemonium, has a couple of apartments here in New York and elsewhere. But after I finished university, we agreed that I would take care of myself. So outside of the apartment, everything you see here is the result of my work, and I'm proud of that. What about you? "

"I'm studying law, I'll be 21 in a few weeks and I live with my parents. They won't let me move until I finish my studies."

"They won't let you? And law? I thought you were studying to be a vet. Wow. You never fail to surprise me."

"It's a long story, maybe some other time..." said Alec shyly. I should go because I've actually run away from home, I don't want to be noticed. Thanks for trusting me, and thanks for the hot chocolate. I'm going now. Snowflake will be fine, if anything goes wrong, call me.

"You sure you don't want to stay for a while"

"I want to stay, but I really have to go. bye Magnus."

"Goodbye Alexander," Magnus smiled at him, and that smile made the corner of Alec's lips curl upwards, a warm feeling running through him. He hadn't noticed the time passing, but for a few moments he stared at Magnus, mesmerized. Suddenly, he sighed, clearing his throat.

"Yes...door...that way...I'm going" he looked shyly, embarrassed at Magnus, and walked out the door.

After Alec left, Magnus couldn't stop smiling. At the same time, he had a strange feeling. Something was wrong- he thought. Alec's ribs were hurting. Earlier he'd said he was locked up, now he said he'd run away and wouldn't be allowed to move out. He was lost in thought, when he heard a loud argument.

' Who's shouting here after midnight?' he thought, and looked out over the balcony. He almost had a heart attack when he saw a man stamping on Alec's hand. Alec was lying on the ground and the stranger was yelling at him. 

Snowflake, the writer and the vetWhere stories live. Discover now