Chapter 8 [Battle Addiction]

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Beryl: "Make it a couple and you got yourself a deal speedster!"

Ruby: "... This did not go to plan..."

Beryl: "This is what we in the business like to call: An outplay!"

Uller: "Well I guess that's enough for that shit head, but what's in it for ME?"

Yang: "I'll uh... treat you to some drinks at Junior's bar!"

Uller: "Make it multiple and you got yourself a deal volcano head."

Yang: "... I may come to regret this... eh worth it!"

Uller: "Do not underestimate my alcoholism."

Weiss: "Yes yes, enough of your weeb shit and borderline liquor obsession, can we get a move on already! I'm wasting a perfectly good weekend talking to you!"

Beryl / Uller: "Oh yeah forgot you're here as well."

Weiss: "Oh god don't start syncing up again!"


A new day had arrived for Vale, as even more decorations appeared to signal the arrival of the Vytal Festival. However, today wasn't the usual day for sightseeing, instead, it was the day for a search mission. Team RWBY, minus their half-feline half-friend, found themselves aimlessly wandering the streets of Vale in a rather sour mood. Being big-brained individuals, the three gals thought it would be smart to walk around and yell Blake's name as if hoping she would come to them like a stray cat. ~F O R E S H A D O W I N G~. Of course, Blake would just come running back to them, it's not like she ran off on her own accord, but I digress. Oh yeah, Beryl and Uller were there too but they both seemed rather uninterested in yelling out Blake's name like a pair of idiots, instead, Beryl was eating ice cream while Uller was smoking TWO cigarettes instead of one. Damn Chain Smoker looking ass.





Ruby: "C'mon Weiss, you're not helping!"

Weiss: "Oh! Do you know what might be able to help us? The police!"

Beryl: "Wow, don't you have a buttload of wrinkles on your brain."

Uller: "Ah yes, what a polygon of knowledge you are, you pigeon."

Ruby: "Ugh, Weiss..."

Weiss: "What? It was just an idea!"

Ruby: "Yeah, a really bad one."

Yang: "Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story BEFORE we jump to any conclusions."

Uller: "Oh I think you've already jumped into plenty of shit, Weiss at least."

Weiss: "Hey! I think that when we do hear her, you'll all realize that I was right!"

Beryl: "Damn, are we making a film in the deserts of Vacuo? Cause that was a hot take."

Uller: "I... wow that was genuinely clever, did you forget to iron out your brain wrinkles or something?"

Beryl: "That's part of my daily morning routine!"

[★Fallen Stars★]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang