Trailer [Inferno]

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[Trailer - Inferno]

[Season 1 - Reluctant Heroes]

Grains of sand fly throughout the air as a car drives through an unforgiving desert. The broken moon shines, illuminating and lighting the surface of the vast sandy ocean with no clouds in sight. Not even a single bird was flying as the aforementioned car roughly drove on the vast dunes. Usually, a desert would be akin to a sauna, a scorching hot place where no life can exist, yet at night the story is different, the desert is freezing cold. Only an idiot would travel through a desert at their own volition, yet one person is determined to get past this infuriating terrain. Along with this character, a second person is driving the car, more nervous than the former, since he keeps looking constantly around him as if checking if they truly are alone.

The man sitting at the back of the vehicle lifts his head to watch the unchanging landscape move around him. He sighs in annoyance at the behaviour of the driver because while the driver is shaking his head so hard it might come off, the car wobbles and shakes along with his body's movement. The passenger speaks with an agitated tone as he lifts his hat ever so slightly to show his irked expression pointed at the driver.

???: "Hey you fucking chicken! Could you stop moving so much, you'll tip the goddamn car on its side."

The driver of the car jumped a bit, not expecting to hear the young man truly talk since he seemed to be in an irritated mood. He stabilized the car and yelled back at the passenger.

Driver: "I have to keep watch so that no damn Grimm get a jump on us! The last thing I want for me to happen is to get attacked because you wanted to pass the desert at midnight! Who does that?!"

As the driver finished his paranoia induced speech, the bright blue moonlight finally illuminated as to who the person was at the back seat. He appeared to be 17-years-old that's 185 cm in height with messy dark red hair that reached right at his armpits. He had tear-troughs adorning his pale-ish white skin. Something was shining brighter than the moonlight and that was his eyes, bright golden yellow irises with a unique pure white pupil in a diamond shape, that seemed to be constantly looking bored. The man wore a shin-length dark brown long coat with his sleeves raised up to his elbows and an orange belt around the coat, not tied up. Underneath that being a light tangerine high collar dress shirt, grey jeans with a brown and gold belt and brown shoes with grey straps. There appeared to be a black hand cannon with white markings, spade symbols and a quite large barrel on the right side of his hip. His most defining characteristic was undoubtedly his light brown and orange visor bere shadowing his face, leaving only his yellow eyes peering through the darkness. This young man's name was Uller Solreign, a soon-to-be huntsman at the legendary Beacon Academy. You may be asking: what was an eventual Beacon student doing in a desert in the middle of the night? Short answer: "Searching".

 You may be asking: what was an eventual Beacon student doing in a desert in the middle of the night? Short answer: "Searching"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
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