Chapter 4 [High School Never Ends]

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[Chapter 4 - High School Never Ends]

[Season 1 - Reluctant Heroes]

As the "team forming" ceremony comes to a relatively positive conclusion, all the new students venture out into their designated dorm rooms. The two brothers of the newly formed team BEUL found themselves in one of these assigned rooms at the very end of the hallway of one of Beacon's corridors. Stepping inside, the brothers witnessed their new living situation for the next 4 years, hopefully, if nothing major happens. The room was quite simple, had two beds which were sufficient enough for a two-man team like theirs and a pair of shelves in the corner and... that's about it. What, did you expect something more? This is a fucking student dorm, be happy they have working plumbing. Oh, and there were two closets as well too, which was nice for later when they'll actually have clothes to put in them. Stepping into their dorm, the two brothers were baffled at the sheer luxury on display... Nah just kidding, they felt pretty nothing about the room.

Beryl: "Oh, so this is our dorm room? Cool, cool. Looks like a room."

Uller: "Keep off my side, slimy fuck."

Beryl: "Same to you, asswipe... Hmmm, yes... This room is made out of room."

Uller: "sigh... There appear to be no signs of intelligent life. I can't believe I have to spend even more time in the same room with this dust-huffing lemur..."

Beryl: "A what now? Well anyway, look, our uniforms!"

Located on the respective person's bed, were two neatly folded pieces of clothing: Beacon Academy Uniforms. How exciting! Yay! Black suits lined with gold, accompanied by a blue vest and a white shirt with a red tie. As every student is required by law- I mean plot to wear these uniforms, the idea didn't seem so appealing to the brothers, having to do something cause you were told to do it. And as so, they expressed their very appropriate and much-needed opinions to absolutely fucking nobody.

Uller: "...I have to wear these fucking rags?"

Beryl: "These are very clearly lacking in swag points."

Uller: "I wouldn't clean a fucking prison's bathroom with this shit."

While Uller continued trash-talking their new uniforms, as one should, Beryl took a picture of the clothing and posted it on his Instagram, gaining a plethora of likes instantly, like a fucking loser. Their bags were already delivered to their room so they did not need to retrieve them from the auditorium. With nothing else to do for the day except sleep and await the next day and classes, Uller took off his usual combat clothing, replacing it with orange baggy pyjama pants and a sleeveless shirt with the text: "RIP AND TEAR" written on it, plus his famous lovely hat. Beryl changed into a pair of boxers and a very loose white t-shirt that had in big bold letters written on the front "♥BEST GIRL♥" in black. Uller noticed Beryl's shirt immediately, and one could almost see a vein pop in his neck and steam rising from his head.

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