"Please. Be quiet Mr...? Sorry I've forgotten your name?" The attorney glances around the room, clearly expecting someone to speak for him. "Mr Hartshorn." The judge nods.

"Mr Hartshorn, silence please." Everyone looks back to the screen, awaiting the next clip. It doesn't take long for it to happen, the car speeding down the highway, getting off the highway and running through red lights. Then its just, the loud noise of the car alarm as it crashes into the brick wall.

"I think that's enough." I say to Beth as she clicks it off. "Yes, we will pick this up tomorrow."

June 23rd
5 month anniversary

"You were nothing more than a chess piece in my game.." He mutters to me as I hand him his file. "Then checkmate bitch." I say quietly, walking back to my seat with a stupid smile on my face.

He returns to his seat beside his attorney and suspense rises as the judge makes her final decision. "Cory Leery. You are pronounced..."

"ITS COLE." I hear him shout and I hold in my laugh, because I know who else would laugh at that.



I cant even finish my counting before I'm wrapped in a hug by Beth. "Guilty." The ringing of the gavel on the wood sounds throughout the court room.

"WOOOOO." I hear Julia woo somewhere in the room, most likely snacking on some type of food with David. "WE WON. WE WON BABY." I laugh as Beth spins me around, landing me on my heels a couple seconds later.

"I cant believe we won." I run the back of my hand across my forehead, finally feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "Mr Leery is sentenced to 23 years." 23 years.

He died on the 23rd. I miss you angel.

"Charged with sexual assault, physical abuse, rape and finally, as if that wasn't enough... attempted murder." Cheers spread throughout the crowd, he never had a chance of winning.

Not with my lawyer friend Julia, guiding me through every step of the way and of course, Bethy by my side. I feel free and I'm... fine? "Listen Beth, honey I love you. But-" She pushes the hair off my shoulder, ushering me to the back of the room.

"Go Belle. Go say hi to your princess."

I thank her and run to the back of the room, out the door, down many halls, down a couple flights of stairs and out into the fresh air. Looking around like a lunatic until I spot him, leaning against the pillar. "Hey princess." I say while asking over to him.

"Hi sweetheart." Fuck yeah. I'm his, and he's mine. My golden.

He grins, opening his arms, not hesitating to wrap my arms around his neck as I collide with his chest. My feet lift off the ground as he pulls me up with him. Letting my feet dangle before spinning me round and round.

Putting his hands tightly on my waist as he placed me down. Not releasing his hold for even a second. "I've got you sweetheart." I smile as he kisses my face all over.

"Cory is off to jail?" I narrow my eyebrows at him. "Cory?" He nods, waiting for me to remember. But I already knew. "Yes, Cory is off to jail."

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