"Uh... do you like ghosts?"

"Why would anyone like that?" He shivered a little, like a kid. I couldn't help but to laugh at his cute scared reaction.

"Scary movie it is!" I dragged him downtown towards the movie theater. Unfortunately, there were no tickets available for any movie; I guess we came a little too late.

"Fuck, um... oh! I know! Let's go there!" I pointed to the big city-sight tower. He just blinked a few times and nodded again.

"I'm sorry but I'm not used to walking this much!" He whined.

"What? You own lands and you don't like to walk?"

"I'm usually taken everywhere I need to go, and I just take small walks around the castle."

"Too bad mr. king! Just a few more steps up! Let's go let's go!"

"Why are you so happy?" He chuckled, walking past me.

Yeah.. why am I?

"You see those trees over there?" I pointed at a big segment of trees up a hill, from afar."

"Uh Huh"

"That's where you came from."

"Really? It looks far"

"Just a little." I chuckled.

"All of this... it's amazing. I don't think I can even explain back at home any of this."

"Imagine your people's faces if you tell them about transportation or buildings" I chuckled.

"Imagine telling them about coke." He scoffed, laughing a little.

"Really? Coke is the most memorable thing for you?"

He smiled, as if thinking an answer, but said nothing. Of course I wasn't going to ask, but I was curious of his reaction.

"You've been yawning a lot, why don't we go back so you can rest?"

"It's nothing, I'm fine, really!" I lied.

"It's late, you have to get up earlier, we can just go ba-"


Chan was interrupted by a familiar -and unwanted- voice. We both turned our heads to the side of the Veranda, just to see, of course, Mr. Hwang.

I bowed, elbowing Chan to do the same, but he clearly wasn't going to bow to someone.

"Didn't you say you had things to do at home?" He came closer.

"Yes, I did. I already finished so I came-"

"Woah, woah" Chan stepped in between. "She doesn't have to give any explanation to you. These are not working hours."

"Chan, it's fine" I mumbled, but he didn't listen. It's like mr. Hwang's presence triggers him. Mr. Hwang was also triggered by Chan.

"Lee, you said you had things to do-"

"She's hanging out with her boyfriend, is there a problem?" Chan suddenly pulls me closer, strong grip. I didn't even know how to react.

My boss scoffed, smirking and rolling his eyes a little; he isn't as stupid to believe it, but he's too proud to keep asking.

"I was just curious. See you tomorrow" he waved his hand and walked away.

Why do I always bump into him? What kind of curse is this?

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