Ch 12: Herobrine...

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11:pm, they had 90minutes to get home. Aurora led the way, crawling through secret exits out the palace. The nine could fit in a wagon, covered by a blanket, amongst barrels to look like traded goods Aurora took a cloak and disguised himself as a trader. "Guys listen, I don't know where Doni is." Lynix denies Aatrix' accusations. "Then where was he after you two danced?" "I- he... just disappeared." Aatrix spoke up "You know something we all don't Lynix, you've been acting suspicious ever since Herobrine went missing." Quiff immediately thought back to the book, he never linked OP with Herobrine but now... things began to make more sense. God like power, Doni, Herobrine. The puzzle pieces were coming together, Doni's helping Herobrine get his body back. Many texts read 'You can never kill a God' but maybe he wasn't there physically, maybe he was some sort of invisible bodiless being.  "Herobrine is-" Kiply interrupts him "You finally realise Quiff, me and Danny were gonna tell you earlier. Herobrine is... possessing Doni." Quiff goes wide eyed "H-how long did you know?" He remembers the painting "You and Aurora are... Gods?!" "It's a long story, now we need to focus. All of us need to make it to the Overworld as quick as possible, the item of OP is there and we mustn't let Doni or Herobrine reach it first." Liger looks up "Yes but, what's OP?" "It's dangerous." Kiply answers hastily. "It has no power outside of our world but it is deadly because it contains something that's powerful in and outside of our world." Quiff finishes for her "Herobrine."

Doni wakes up to a conscious Herobrine, staring at him with his white eyes. Doni immediately gets up wondering what happened, he'd just finished dancing with Lynix. Why is he back home with the staff? "When you went to the ball, i resided in you're body. I wanted mine back, after I did I teleported us here." Doni's in shock after realising his friends are still at the ball probably worried he's disappeared. "Don't worry about them Doni, they'll arrive here soon wanting the 'precious OP' or something" Despite being a god, he acted childish and rude Doni chuckles to himself before realising he just had his thoughts read beforehand. "Yes. I can." Herobrine's deep voice laughed and Doni on his bed who had just woken up felt as if that was a dream. "I- don't wanna hurt anyone..." Doni looks up to Herobrine who had a toothy grin "Why not? You could have more than just OP Doni... you could have power that works outside of this useless place." "Useless?!" Doni stood up in front of Herobrine and attempted to push him, however he forgot that this was a God. Big mistake. "You dimwitted being of mortality! You cannot fight me!" Doni quickly took two steps back holding his oddly heavy sword, he points it at Herobrine's chest. "You ruined my life!" Herobrine doesn't say a word instead he smirks at Doni's state, yelling at a god? "You promised to protect me and my village!" Herobrine two steps toward the sword until the tip touched his shirt. "I lied." Herobrine smiles devilishly "There is no protection, Notch when he finds this world he'll destroy it!" Doni lowers his sword temporarily, he gazes in disbelief. "You're trolling me..."

The Nether God chuckles in response, he takes the opportunity to hastily grab Doni's sword and bare the blade against his neck. "Notch has a spy... the god called Aurora Light, yes... brought here to destroy the staff and this world along with it," Doni steps back, Herobrine steps forward. "He knows that this is the world I reside. And plans to kill me..." Doni steps back, Herobrine steps foward. "Y-you can kill a... God?!" Doni steps backwards until he reaches a wall, now he's backed against a wall with a sword at his throat, and the one holding it wouldn't need a weapon to kill him. "Yes... he'll soon realise he's been bargaining with time for too long, searching every world one by one without destruction. He wouldn't kill any of his so called 'precious creations' unless it was me." Doni could barely mouth words without risking his neck "Y-you're?!" Herobrine chuckles deeply in response, though he's smiling he can feel the sorrow behind his grin. "He regrets creating me... I would regret creating me too, of course." Doni's shocked expression fades, he doesn't want to fight Herobrine anymore. "I don't need your pity... I AM A GOD!" The ground shakes at his sudden yell, now he can tell he's angered Herobrine for sure and he was going to die. "You throw a lot a tantrums for a God," Herobrine pushes the sword against his throat and blood tickles out the shallow wound, his confident words didn't match his scattered thoughts. "No need to act like an asshole, just because your brother thinks you're annoying," he coughs up blood, as Herobrine pushes it further. "Kill me, prove to me you're a child!Unworthy of your godly power, you'll have nobody..." he coughs again struggling to speak or move. "I'm t-the only one on y-your side." Herobrine releases the sword from his neck, knowing Doni was right, he'd be as petty and childish as his brother thought of him. He watches as Doni collapses, he's dying. Herobrine lifts up his body over his shoulder and teleports away, leaving the staff behind. Herobrine found a fascination in Doni, without mind reading the half owl might've fooled a god.

Don't freak out guys! Imma make a book 2! And maybe a book three if I really like it but the book two is definitely 100% happening so stay tuned!

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