Ch 9: Past?

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Kiply throws her last ender pearl realising it was her last after throwing it. "Oh no." Kiply senses around where she has landed, nowhere near the library, nowhere near a house. She decided to walk the rest of the way, not like she had a choice. "Kiply?" A calming voice behind her startles her, she hears Quiff walking toward her. He slowly walks toward her, meeting with her. "What are you doing out here? You can't see and you're clearly far from home." Kiply smiles warmly and calmly responds "I am! And I was just about to walk the rest of the way to find you!" Quiff feels his face heat up at the fact a pretty girl in a scary dangerous Minecraft world would travel far to meet him. He stutters "Why in the world would you do all that effort to find me?!" Kiply pulls a basket full of food, placing them on a green-blue checkered blanket. "A picnic!" She sits on the blanket. "Okay?" Quiff couldn't help but sit down with her, she spent so long preparing.

Doni flies over the fields and forests landing back at home in a few hours. Looking up he notices his hair has an odd blonde streak, he goes to the mirror to look. A slight worried look in his eyes as he realises that there's more than just one streak, he quickly turns back human. He looks for Lynix, nowhere to be seen. Kiply hadn't returned with a book and Quiff's house was book-less and Lynix-less. Doni runs out the house realising he's probably chopping wood like he always does. "Lynix!" Doni realises that there's only one way he could find him, teleportation. Specifically the kind the staff is used for, however he didn't want to use it just yet. Or else... the staff wouldn't be the only thing used.

20 years ago...
The sound of ghastly screaming and crying filled the once great town, airships on all angles invaded the floating island inhabited by the townsfolk. The smoke in the air was suffocating, the noise was overwhelming, the blazes were burning.
"Come on brother! Let's go!"
"Our house! Where's mommy?"
"Mommy said to go!"
"Will she be back?"
The sound of explosions started off distant, becoming closer over time.
"The closest explosion destroys the neighbouring house creates a loud sound leaving ringing in Doni's ears, he falls unconscious.
Doni looks around in a dark room, he sees a light slowly approaching, in fact it's two, two eyes.
"Hello, Doni."
The man emerges from the darkness, Herobrine.
"I can save you and your brother, all I need is one thing."
The whole reason the floating island was raided and mass murdered, the core. However the people raiding the island were unfamiliar to the location. The central part deep in the ground with a secret entrance.
Doni woke up, frantically looking around where he was, being shaken awake by his brother.
"We need to go to the core!
"Just follow me!"
"But it will make it fall!"
"Too bad."
His very first work for Herobrine, retrieval of the core. As the two reached inside the core, the staff inside holding the island was pulled from its position, Doni picked it up. The ground beneath them felt unstable.
"I have it Herobrine!"
"⎓╎リꖎꖎ||, ᔑᓵᒷ ̣ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ || ʖ𝙹↸||, リ𝙹ʖ𝙹↸|| ꖎꖎ ̣ 𝙹 ʖᒷᔑ"
"Rest your body?"
A flash of light interrupts the question and immediately transports, the two out of the island as it begins it's decline, no shapeshifter we're to survive such a fall. Not with the hunters and air ships loose. The raid was a failure, they knew that the core was destroyed and left with caged shifters and left ruin and bodies behind.
Back to present...

Where Lynix was located was unknown and unpredictable, the guy was not only stupid in a way, but very curious. It's almost impossible to find him, however Doni was determined.

Kiply smiles warmly, the picnic was not only to keep Quiff at bay, but to find a chance to ask him out, she'd thought Quiff was cute when she met him and though it was soon she'd known something would happen. Kiply wasn't like any other person, she was very mysterious and those who met her bid her fair well with more questions with answers. For short, nobody knew what she was up to, and nobody knew what she knew. Quiff always wondered what was behind that blindfold, maybe she wasn't actually blind, she's too confusing for that to be the simple answer. Right?

Or maybe he's overthinking this. 🤡

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