Chapter one

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I woke up with a jolt as I quickly sat up from my bed. Its happening again... My dreams always turn into nightmares as the same thing happen over and over again.

Same faces... Same voices... Same pain... My memories from that accident always play over and over every night.

I glance at the clock on the wall and noted that its still early in the morning. I began standing up and look over to the bed beside mine to see Martial still sleeping.

I quietly left our shared room and began my way to the kitchen.

The smell of coffee greeted me as Kuya Mexico is already having breakfast.

"Nightmares again?" He looks up to me smiling gently as he pat the chair beside him inviting me.

I nodded and sat beside him reaching out for the pandesal on the table.

I dip it in his coffee earning a 'hey!' from him but I ignored it. Im to lazy to brew myself anyway.

Kuya Mexico and I werent really related to each other. Were actually the same age but I still call him kuya out of respect and he really is a big brother figure in my life.

He's also the one who saved me from drowning that time. And he accept me and Martial for what we are. He's a little cautious of me once he knew what a manananggal is. But over time we bonded and we start trusting each other. And he's also the one who basically raise us twins...

Yes our trust falter when the accident happened but he still accept us after that and understands me.

I snapped out of my thoughts once I notice that he has been waving his hand infront of me. I look up and notice that Martial is already eating with us.

"Sigh Phil if theres somethings wrong tell me ok? Its worrying on how you started zoning out..." Martial nodded along with Kuya Mex.

"Sorry I just have alot on my mind lately" I mumbled as I took a bite of my pandesal.

"Hey! You got letter!" Martial was about to say somthing when a voice from outside interrupted him.

I can recognize that voice as the mailman's. He's close to everyone in town as he see them on the daily while delivering letters. Actually everyone here is close to each other!

Kuya Mex stood up and made his way towards the door. I never bother to listen to their conversation as its about their boring works anyway.

"Thanks for you service!" And with that they say goodbye to one another.

Kuya came back to the kitchen with multiple letters in his hand. Three of them looking kinda expensive and luxoruous. Two of it is a red colored envelope with gold accent to its borders. While the other one is a plain purple envelope but it has its charms anyway.

Kuya sat down and pick out the bills so he can pay it later. I took the other three and read on who it was for. The red ones is named for Martial and Kuya Mex while the purple one is for me.

I handed the two red ones to Martial who took it with a confuse look on his face.

"Whats in it?" Kuya Mex asked with an equally confuse face.

"I dont know I didnt open it yet." I mumbled as I finally opened mine and so does Martial after handing the other one to Kuya Mex.

Dear Miss Philippines...

We would like to inform you that you are invited on our Beast Academy...

'Academy..? But around this time Im pretty sure that its suppose to be in the middle of a semester as the other kids from this town are gone and would stay in dorms...'

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