52: Tabloids everywhere

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But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby, you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me

- Paparazzi, Lady Gaga


Romanov was pissed off by the tabloids, his manager, Mallucy just informed him that TMZ began to stalk him after seeing him with the same woman for two weeks.

"If they tried to go to Espe's work, I'll file for a restraining order towards them" he hissed, billows of smoke rushed out of Mallucy's lungs.

He heard the tapping from Mallucy's fingers to his wooden study table; they decided to take refuge at his apartment after being bombarded with several fans; he rushes to his bathroom the moment he steps inside.

Droplets of water still fall on his neo as he contemplates, it wouldn't be a good thing if they (the paparazzi) found out of his courting towards Espe.

They'll harass her to the point of tears just to get that sensationalized topic worse they'll take pictures of her in a vulnerable position.

He can't let that happen.

"Don't worry, I have some insiders to deal with that. They won't go to her work, I assure you" Mallucy patted him in the back, he unknowingly gripped the beer can too hard it's beginning to crumble on his palm.

"Thanks, man"

Mallucy has been his manager for years, they've been together for over three years and have always wiped his ass off whenever he made rude remarks towards bloodsucking paparazzi.

"Never thought you'll fall in love with her-" his hand shoot up to the air. "I mean absolutely no harm about it I was just surprised that you like her"

He snickered. "Oh? Why the surprise?" He took out another can of beer and drank it.

"You've met her like four years ago and your heart suddenly decides that you like her? I mean it's been four years overdue"

His fingers froze, his action of bringing the beer close to his lips stopped and he looked at him with solemn eyes. Mallucy looked at him quizzically and he on the other hand was stuck into deep thoughts.

"I don't know" he replied, lost but sure.

"You don't know? How could you not know" exasperated, Mallucy brings forth another cigarette into his lips. "You're weird, man"

"Well, I think my heart is the weird one" he shook his head, laughing at his weirdness.

The pizza box on the table has lost its heat and a couple of beer cans have already been thrown into the trash can; the action film of Jason Statham still plays in the background creating little explosions; the ground was warm from the floor heating and as they lounge around after a long run from the crazy paparazzi they naturally relaxed.

Loosened shoulders, the tight-lipped mouth has broken down as they grabbed a piece of pizza on their hands.

"I have a theory" he looks to Mallucy. "You haven't had a girlfriend for over five years right?" He nodded in confirmation. "Maybe it's because your heart was waiting for Espe and after she graduated your heart finally moved"

"Hey! Are you implying that I'm old?! Fuck you!" He kicked Mallucy's shin while he was hit by one of the pillows on the face.

"It's just a theory! And when did I tell you that you're old?!" He snorted before having another wrestling match with his manager.

When he and Mallucy are outside of the field, they're best buddies and loved to fight- Mallucy was also a former taekwondo athlete so he was very much skilled in fighting.

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