51: Success is just around the corner

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And if there's love in this life, there's no obstacle
That can't be defeated

- Waiting for love, Avicii


"Stop grinning!"

"Sorry" but his teeth still show and his smile stretched to his ears, I shook my head at his foolishness.

The jar of sweetness fell on my heart seeing the boyish grin he has, annoyance still took over my brain for being too hasty on my decision. But it already happened, I can only decide after seeing his performance.

Honestly, she must have been possessed by the female characters in the stories that she reviews that it made her think like she was one. To give him hope, it was just giving him a knife to pierce her heart.

But somehow it didn't matter much to her at that moment, she was willing and accepted the future that she could be hurt. At least she won't regret it, her mind and heart decided.

City lights fell on my sight like little stars flickering in the busy streets of California; the soft music lulls me to sleep and my head began to whirl into the other direction, shivering slightly from the cold air inside; I then sense the looming figure of Romanov as he leans so ever close to my space.

The proximity left me breathless, my breath hitching up to my throat as I looked at him doe-eyed.

"What are yo-"

A blanket fell on my lap and his fingers skimmed lightly from my arms to my shoulders creating fervor fire trails in me before he put the blanket on me.

"Sleep, I'll take you home soon" he whispers to me, the last thing I saw was his back so vast, dotted in sharp lines and those arms that gently covered me with a blanket, lowering the temperature inside the car.

Then I was out.


Romanov entered the parking lot near Espe's home, the dim lights brightened and he looked down.

Warm light fell onto Esperanza's face, there were lines spotted on the other side of her face, probably from the car seat. She was sleeping heavily, the dark eye bags commonly found on him was also sighted on her face; her lips were pursed, she didn't want to open her mouth in fear of someone putting something inside of it she stated before; shivering lightly, he bears the heartache of waking her up.

"Espe, wake up" he purposely used a gentle tone. "Come on, we're here" he tapped her shoulders but she just knotted her brows.

Feeling a bit emboldened, he poked her cheeks, those bulging cheeks that would always resemble that of a squirrel when eating bread. It was soft and squishy, slightly cold and he felt addicted to doing it.

"Espe" poke. "Espe, wake up" poke, poke.

"Ugh..." His hands were slapped, he still poked her cheeks and watched it dips down.

Seeing that she was still asleep, he decided to sweep her off her feet but then his heart softened into a puddle and he confessed all of a sudden.

"Esperanza, I really like you"

Ears aflame, he coughed to cover up his shy demeanor and softly shake her shoulders to wake her up.

"What is it?! I'm sleeping!" Espe cried, there were still tears hanging off her drowsy eyes.

It was like cupid shot another arrow in his heart that made him swoon at her adorable state; he coughed and poked her cheeks again before getting another tingling slap.

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