Chapter 2 Documentary gone wrong

Start from the beginning

After taking away over fifthy points from Gryffindor for next to no reason classes were over. So Chelsea quickly made her way to the seventh floor.

She walked accross the halls wondering where they went. Suddenly a painting swung open like a door. Curious Chelsea walked inside the small tunnel and walked inside the giant classroom. Where many other students of different houses stood talking amongst each other.

"Chelsea" the Parvati siblings greeted at the same time. They glowered at each other. Neville Longbottom shyly waved at her. Marrieta Edgecomb and Cho Chang stood to the side of the room talking on hushed voices. Fred and George Weasley waved at her. The two mischevious boys were teasing their younger brother about something, but she couldn't hear them.

Harry walked towards her and on place of a greeting said "welcome to Dumbledore's army."

Chelsea smiled back her mood rising for once in a while. "Okay" Harry clapped his hands together gaining the attention of the other students. "Today we're learning a very special protection spell. You're going to learn how to summon a Patronus. The only defense known against Dementors."

As he spoke Chelsea walked next to the group of students listening to Harry's explanation.

"In order to summon your Patronus you have to draw a quick circle with you're Wand. Next comes the more complicated part. You have to focus on you're happiest you've ever felt. Not just a moment where you're really really happy, the happiest moment of you're life until now. You can't second guess this, especially in a moment of life or death."

"Can you show us Harry?" Luna Lovegood asked in her airy voice. Chelsea never knew what that girl was thinking, it was almost frustrating.

Drawing a perfect circle with his wand Harry recited the spell. "Expecto patronum!"

A bright silvery stag burst from the tip of the wand. It started to frolic all around the room, passing close to over the groups head. Making a few of them duck.

"I await a protector." The young demigoddess whispered to herself, looking at the beautiful stag. "What?" Hermione asked her eyebrows furrowed.

"It's what the spell mean, it's latin for I await a protector." She explained the now frowning bookworm. After barely a month with her fellow demigods she learned Latin extremly well. It helped to have a natural affinity with it, but now she cringed a little at some pronounciations of certain spells, who honestly butchered the ancient language.

Next came for them to try, but as it turns out Chelsea couldn't figure it out. She tried and she tried, her childhood her time spent with the legion, nothing. Her mother was a busy woman who always left her in the care of maids and servant. She was basically raised by house elves. She distinctively remembers one of the poor creature punishing herself when she taught a young Chelsea how to speak in their broken speech.

As a child she simply thought the way they spoke was funny, but now she promised herself to free Quinty. The Little house elf who could have easily left her to her own device when her mother absented herself for Weeks on end.

She had fun with the legion, but that was only after she earned her place there. Which wasn't the best experience, meeting so many powerful people at the same time also left her with a raging feeling of inferiority.

Just the praetors and their children's were some of the most powerful people she's ever met, and aparently them combined don't hold a candle to the legendary son of Poseidon.

Barely a few months ago she thought that the wizarding world throned above many, but she was wrong. There was so many lies, so much pain everywhere. How could she find a truly happy memories amongst all of that?

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