Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

For weeks now I have had a sudden burst of energy. I was able to do things I couldn’t do before, like yesterday I climbed a 30ft tree in the woods and dropped from it without breaking anything. I thought it was pretty amazing, not so much Eli though, he yelled at me for 3 hours straight about the dangers of being in the woods and how I could have broken something and blah blah blah…with all of that energy I knew one of these days, it was going to take its toll on me.

That happened to be today. I woke with a jolt, throwing the covers off of me and running to the bathroom. I was hunched over the toilet for what felt like hours, throwing up last night’s dinner and dry heaving afterwards. I flushed the toilet and walked to the sink to rinse my mouth out. “I know what that means.” I mumbled to myself. I stared down at my body in the full length mirror on the back of the door. “ How could I not have noticed you before?” I looked at my belly dumbfounded. I looked like I was 5 months pregnant. I turned side to side, trying to figure out if this was real.

“Oh my gosh, Eli is going to flip! Do I tell him? Of course I should tell him, what kind of crazy person I would be if I didn’t.”  I pulled my shirt down and walked out the bathroom in search of Eli. He left yesterday night after dinner, said he had some business with the neighboring alphas about this rouge problem.

“Good morning LUNA!” Ben grabbed me in his arms and spun me around. “Hm, you smell different.”

“Hey Benji. Good morning to you too. Do you know where Eli is, it’s important that I talk to him right away.”

“Weeelll, the thing is…is…that Eli yeah he uh, he um, went outback. Yeah that’s where he is.” I gave him an are you serious look. “Benji, Benji, Benji. You do know it’s bad to lie to your Luna. Especially when you are keeping her from her mate. So I suggest you show me exactly where he is or so help me I will chop up your family jewels.”

I watched as his face paled and his hands cover up his crotch. He squeaked out an okay and started to speed walk in the direction of the Alpha’s office. “Eli is going to kill me.” There was muffled voices behind the door as Ben knocked. The room got quiet as a “What?” sounded from the other side. “Open it.” I said as Ben gave me pleading eyes and slowly opened the door. The dude looked like he was about to cry. I pushed the door open further and walked in ahead of Ben, giving him a look as I walked by. His head bowed, I turned just in time to see an angry looking Eli and a room filled with a bunch of other intimidating looking Alpha’s. “Oh. Excuse me, but I would like to talk with my…” Hm, I don’t know what to call Eli, my boyfriend, alpha, lover?

“What is it Emily?”

I couldn’t help but feel the eyes of the other males on me, making me feel uncomfortable. Oh man, why was I here I again? I slid my hand over my stomach, oh yeah, the little one inside me. I glanced back up at Eli, who looked like he was growing impatient with me. I should have practice this speech in the mirror before coming here.


“Oh, ah, can we talk?”

“We’re talking now, what do you want?”

“I mean in private, just the two of us.” I looked over my shoulder at the group of alphas sitting around the living area in the office.

“I’m in a meeting right now. We’ll talk later.” What? He can’t just blow me off like that, I’m his mate.



“Yeah, you heard me. I want to talk now.”

“Ben, please show Emily out.” I felt Ben get close, but I held up my hand. “Ben if you touch me…” I let the sentence hang, knowing he knew exactly what I was going to say. He backed up a little and I starred daggers at Eli. “We are going to talk, whether you’re in a meeting or not.” I could feel my temperature rising and a bead of sweat sliding down my neck.

“How dare you disrespect your Alpha like that?!”

I moved my eyes over to the group of Alphas sitting down, the one that spoke was a burly man with dark brown hair and eyes to match. His voice was deep and filled with distaste with my disrespect towards Eli.

I rolled my eyes and brought my attention back to Eli.

“Get out.” He said.

“Excuse me?”

“I said. Get. Out.” I looked at him shocked. Why does he always do this?

“Leave! NOW!”

I fisted my hands and stormed back to the door. Ben stood there with the door opened and his head bent. I turned around and stared Eli in the eyes. Those eyes that captured me the moment I first saw him. Now they were to stormy pools of pure anger.

“I’m leaving. For good. Oh and just you know.”

“I’m pregnant.” I saw Ben’s head lift so quick I thought he had whiplash. I walked out the office and made my way back to our-his room to pack my stuff. I heard footsteps running after me, as I opened the door to his room. “Emily, don’t do this.”

“Go away Ben.” I pulled the suit case down from the closet shelf and started throwing clothes from the dresser in there. “You can’t just leave like this, especially since you’re pregnant.”

“I can do what I want Ben, and no one is going to stop me. I have had it up to here, with him with his crazy mood swings. I can’t take it anymore.” I zipped up the bag and grabbed a smaller duffle bag and opened the safe at the back of the closet. I shoved in enough money that would get me and the baby by for at least a year or so. I zipped that up and through it on the bed, I folded my arms and turned towards Ben.

“Look, I know you mean well Ben, but this is for the best. You’ve been great ever since I got here. You were the only nice one. This life isn’t for me, I thought it was but it’s not. So this is goodbye.”

“Emily, you can’t leave. Your our Luna, we need you.” I grabbed my bags and started walking out the door.

“I’m sorry Ben.” I tossed the bags in the backseat of one of the cars in the garage and hopped in the front. “Tell Eli, not to look for me or his kid.” I started the car and drove off down the dirt path, away from the pack house. I glanced up at the rearview mirror, Eli stood there next to Ben with his hands on his head. I looked away and let the tears fall. “It’s just you and me now little one.”


Author's Note:

hello everyone, sorry i have not updated in awhile school started back and im trying to focus on that right now, but hopefully this makes up for it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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