Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

That morning I got dressed in a pair of dark jeans with a thick cream colored sweater, and a nice wedge I got last Christmas. In the bathroom I let my hair fall in its natural curl just past my shoulders. When I got downstairs to the kitchen, my mom was seated at the island reading the towns newspaper.

"I heard you come in last night, or should I say this morning." She looked at me over the newspaper, a mischievous glint in her eye. I walked over to the fridge pulling out the orange juice. "I just went for a walk, no big deal."

"Mhm, just be careful, you don't know what might be out there, lurking in the shadows."

" Oh? And what exactly is out there? You do realize I'm 23 with a college degree, and highly skilled in martial arts. I am more than capable of taking care of myself."

She set the paper down onto the counter, "That may be so but you still live under my roof."

I put the orange juice away, not even wanting it anymore. "Well, I can take care of myself thank you for the concern." I walked out the kitchen to the front door, hearing my mother shout from the kitchen, "Where are you going?!"

"Out!" With that I closed the door and out to the car, the gravel crunching under my feet. Driving around the small town I pulled into the parking lot of what looked to be a diner. I shut the car off and got out. Walking in, the smell of fresh pancakes and coffee hit my nose. There were only a few people in here, mostly older couples, and a couple of people around my age, maybe older, throwing a few glances my way. I took a seat at the booth furthest away from everyone looking over the menu.

"Hello, I'm Ann, I will be your waitress for today what can I get you to drink?"

I looked up at the girl, who was average height with long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. "Um, can I get a hot green tea, with honey?" She nodded with a smile, and stood staring at me. I looked around and then back at Ann, "Do you need something?" I asked. She jumped flustered and said " Oh no, sorry, I will be back with your drink." She took off behind the counter, and I looked down over the menu, debating whether to get the strawberry pancakes or the chocolate chip.

A throat clearing brought me out of my decision making.
"Hi." A masculine voice said.

I peeked over my menu, sucking in a breath at the boy, no not a boy, this was a man, a very sexy man. His black hair hung lowly in his eyes. Those eyes, the color of stormy skies?, seemed to know everything, and tan skin that looked like it was kissed by the sun. Shaking away my thoughts I gave a quick, "Hello."

His arms were folded across the table, the shirt he was wearing stretching over his much defined muscles. "Are you new to town?" My eyes darted down to his pink full lips, "So beautiful." I mumbled.

"What?" He's eyebrow raised, a smirk clear on his face.

"What? No, uh yeah I-I'm new, I just moved in a day ago?" Oh gosh, why does the stuttering have to start now.

Reaching out his hand he said, "It's nice to meet you, my names Elijah. Elijah North."

I took his hand in mine, the feel of his warm skin against my own sent tingles throughout my body. "Nice to meet you too." I whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" he said just as low. I blushed and smiled, sitting up straighter I said, "Sorry."

The waitress came back with my tea, "Here you go, one hot green tea with honey. Good morning, Eli how are you?"

He sent her a smile, one that should be in a tooth paste commercial. I wonder if he will smile at me like that. "I'm good Ann, how's your dad?" I sat there sipping my tea watching the encounter between the two. "He's good thanks for asking. I should get back to work, I'll see you around alpha." I started choking on my tea some spilling out onto the table. Eli was quick to get up and started patting my back. I let out a cough and wiped my mouth with a napkin. A few people turned their heads to look, some of the guys in the back from earlier rose a little from their seats. That sat down once they realized the situation was under control.

"You alright?" he asked. I cleared my throat and nodded, "Hot." I looked at the glare he was giving Ann, who looked like she didn't want to be there. They seemed to be having a silent conversation, soon after Ann was walking away fairly quickly. "Well, that was embarrassing." I said looking down at what was left of my tea. Lifting my head, I realized how close Eli and I were. Our faces mere inches from each other, his hand reached up and stroked my cheek. I could feel my face heating up from that small touch.

His eyes moved down to my lips, which slowly got closer by the second. Oh boy, I pulled away with a smile. "I-I should probably go." I said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Eli cleared his throat and stood up from the booth and letting me out. "Thank you." He nodded, staring down at his feet. I stood there awkwardly and and moved to walk towards the door of the diner. "Wait!" I turned around, and he was walking up to me. "Yeah?"

"I didn't get your name."

I smirked, "I know." He stood there, mouth slightly open as I made my way out the diner.


Authors Note:

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