Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

My injuries have healed quite nicely and I have a sudden burst of energy to go running. I sit up in bed and look down at a sleeping Eli. His face relaxed and his mouth slightly open. I run my finger down the side of his face, a soft rumbling coming from his chest, almost like a purr. Do wolves purr? With this new found energy I get up and change into shorts and a shirt, slipping on a pair of running shoes. I close the door quietly and walk down the stairs to the kitchen. There are a few people awake, I could see why it is 7 in the morning.

I breathed in the fresh smell of the pine woods that surrounded the pack house. Pack house. It was strange to admit that I live with a bunch of werewolves. A part of me is still freaking out, but somewhere deep down I know this is where I am supposed to be. I took off at jog along the woods remembering the last time I ran through there I nearly died. I started to pick up the pace as one of the younger wolves started to run beside me. I glanced down and smiled at the young boy who smiled back up at me. He looked to be around eight or nine, his copper brown hair bouncing as he kept the pace I was going.

“Are you the new Luna? People are saying you the Alpha’s mate. Is that true?”

“Uh, yeah I guess so.”

“That’s cool. So why are you running?”

“I had this sudden burst of energy. Does that sound weird?” he lets out a laugh and nudges me with his elbow. “You’re asking someone who runs all the time, not only that but the fact that I am a werewolf. So no, I don’t think it’s weird.”

I look at him astounded, this kid is talking like he’s a grown adult.

“Well then. You want to race?” I saw his eyes light up and a grin spread across his face. “You’re on. Where to?” we came to stop, the pack house a good distance away.

“Alright, from here to the house. Sound good?”

He nodded and got into a running stance.

“On your mark… Get set…”


We took off running, other pack members gathered to watch and some cheering us on. The little squirt started to get a lead, I pushed myself to go faster and I was about to give out when overwhelming feeling of power rushed over me. A smile grew across my face as I caught up with the boy, his shocked face making me laugh. I looked ahead of me at the house, standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face, stood the handsome man I woke up next too.

Running at full speed I ran straight into Eli’s open arms. I let out an exhausted breath, breathing in his heady scent. “Looks like you won.” I blush his eyes looking me over, my chest rising and falling as I tried to catch my breath. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” We started to make our way back inside, “Luna!” I turned my head to catch the boy from earlier making his way up the porch steps.

“You’re fast.”

“So are you.” He smiled and stuck his hand out. “I want a rematch one day.” I laugh and take his hand. “You’re on.”

When we entered our room I was suddenly pushed against the door. I looked up shocked staring into the dark depths of Eli’s lust filled eyes. I bit my lip and soon his lips were on mine. It lasted a second before he pulled away and was standing naked in front of me. When did he get undressed? I blushed my eyes roaming over the hard planes of his chest and his defined abdominals. He stepped towards me gripping my hips. “I hope you’re not too fond of this outfit.”

He grasped the hem of my shirt and started ripping it. I didn’t have time to respond, my eyes never leaving his as he did the same with the rest of my clothes. Finding my words I whispered, “You just like ripping my clothes.” He smirked, “I enjoy watching you unravel.” I blushed at the double meaning behind his words. Eli grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom the shower steaming up the mirrors in the bathroom.

“I’m going to take you right here.” His words held promise as he lifted me on the counter top and positioned himself between my legs. “And after, I’m going to take you in the shower.” He grabbed my hips and slammed into me. “Ah.” My head rested on his shoulder as hips moved against mine, harder and faster. I let out a moan making him growl in pleasure. The sensation building, I felt his canines extend and scrape along the side of my neck.

I couldn’t hold back any longer as I unraveled just as his canines pierced my skin. He gave a final thrust releasing inside as a satisfied growl echoed in the air.

Eli lifted me, my legs wrapping around him as he carried me into the shower, where he made do of his promise.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update just been busy with school and an art show. I hope this makes up for it Thanks for Reading. :) 


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