The Man Who Yearns Only For Warmth

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Chapter 34.1

(Blake Curlington's POV)

All of my life I feel like I'm never gonna be happy, Like I'm not good enough and will always be alone.... How did this feeling of uselessness and hopelessness came into existence? My kindergarten is like any kid would experience but maybe it started in one particular day in my elementary school.....

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!"

"See you later kid!"

"Do your best out there sweetie!"

That day started like any other, Where the hell did it go wrong?

As I participate, help the staff of the school and recite in class... A short figure stood in front of me and that was.....

"Heya Bwakey!"

"Hello Yumi!"

"Let's go pway outside?"

"Sure thing!"

Still having the memories of yesterday in which we made our promise still fresh in my child mind,
I blushed as I played all sorts of games with her....

But a commotion suddenly occurred and the teacher urged everyone to go back inside and then when she stood in front of all the students in the room where the noise is ever so present.....

"Attention class!"

The classroom then became silent and the teacher finally continued what she is saying.....

"Earlier this morning one of your classmates got stolen and the item missing is a very expensive one,So please can you raise your hands if any of you is the culprit?"

Hearing that something was stolen and possibly by their own classmate no less,The whole classroom became noisy once more and due to being children wanted to get to the bottom of it themselves like a detective in a film,But of course I know the teachers can solve it easily so I didn't participate in any of the actions of my classmates but then......


"What is it? Don't be afraid to speak"

The student went to where the teacher is and whispered something to her which I can't comprehend, When the student finished what he was saying, She looks surprised as if she can't believe it.....

"The culprit has been found!"

She announced followed by the sounds of disappointment from my classmates not being able to participate in what they think is a game....

Then classroom was once again back on track, When it was time to go home, I packed my things, Slowly walked to the exit but suddenly.....


"Yes ma'am?"

"Can you come with me to the principal's office?"

"Sure ma'am!"

I thought it's about helping her with something, But oh boy was I ever so wrong, Because when we entered the office.....

"That's him!"

"You thief!"

Two students at my class were in the room pointing their fingers at me while the principal is looking at me with a cold stare.....

"Please sit down Blake"


And when I did, The principal started to speak....

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