Entrance Ceremony

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Chapter 3

Blake saw many students walking towards the hall where the ceremony will be held and of course he followed the crowd to it....

When he entered the ceremony hall and saw the many chairs placed for the students and the inside that is covered in jewelry and the halls are painted with the color of white....

The color white probably symbolises the peaceful community of the school while the jewelry supposedly symbolises power.
Combining these two I think this means that the people here are pacifist yet are extremely powerful when provoked...

Heh... If only that concept was implemented and they weren't neglectful and flaunting their power here and there,
I wouldn't have to suffer that much back then...

Blake then went and sat down to the farthest left side seat possible away from the podium where important figures are suppose to speak into so that he doesn't hear the crap these hypocrites are gonna say today and he'll just mind his own business.....

Not that I will care anyways...
I thought someone would help me but nope!
My complaints got yeeted out the window!

As there is no available seat in the left side of Blake, the right side of him became quickly occupied by people because the ceremony is about to start...

"Ehem! Ehem! Welcome to Dreamers High!
Where Dreams will come to reality!
I am your Principal! Ms.Laura Lyke" Laura spoke with a loud yet confident voice to motivate the student while...

Ms.Laura is The Principal of the school Dreamers High where I study in,
She is a confident, charismatic, and a drop dead gorgeous woman and to top it all off she is the same age as me and she inherited the school from his grandfather...

Blah... Blah... Blah... Just let me take notes and go home as soon as possible!
Blake thought irritatingly as she looks at Laura's face but he admits that she is beautiful and cute and...
Blake shouted in his mind...

The speech of Laura ended
But something unexpected happened...

"Let's hear the words from our top student last year, Blake Curlington! Give him a round of applause!!!" Laura then gave the mic to the staff, and sat down in chair made just for her...

Ehhhh?! Why me?! This is not what happened before!

Blake is shocked and confused but before he realizes it he is now on the stage standing in the podium holding a mic in his hand...

Okay...Calm down Blake....
Calm.... Down...
Calm.... Down.... Calm.....
I can't calm down!
I've just had my first conversation A moment ago, and now this?!
Fine I'll use my hidden technique even if it embarrasses me in front of everybody!

Blake then covered his eyes and imagined that there is no people around but him and a script for him to read after that he became so calm and started to speak....

"Good morning to everybody who have come today on this marvelous occasion, I stand here before you to congratulate everyone who have survived the many battles of our school life, I just wanted to say that not all the time in school is all bad, sometimes it can be fun especially with friends and I hope that this is gonna be a great year for all of us thank you... "

'Damn I'm good' Blake thought so with an imaginary smug smile but on the outside he is so shy and is sweating bullets...

Laura starts to clap and the crowd soon follow... After that Blake also noticed two familiar figures giving him a standing ovation...

And the rest of the ceremony is all the same stuff...
Introduction of teachers, the staff, and the last speech of Laura to end the whole ceremony...

After the ceremony ended someone tapped Blake in the shoulder and it's.....

"Son! You did a great job out there! I'm guessing you're gonna be popular from now on eh?"
Johnny proudly hugs his son...

"You did a marvelous job out there dear! We're so proud of you.Oh! I almost forgot! Let's take a picture as commemoration of this event as a family!" Sonia then pulls a camera and sets the timer...

"Come here Son!"
"Dear,come here"

The camera then snaps a photo of the family...
Then the bells ring...

"Sorry Mom and Dad! I gotta go now!"

"Goodluck out there!" "Do your best!"

As Blake's figure begins to disappear the couple begins to tear up once more...

"Can we... finally atone for our sins?" (Sonia)

"No Honey, This is just the beginning, We must try harder for him to forget the trauma he's got..."

But Blake doesn't know any of this and just continues to go to his classroom and choose his seat....

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