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I run and run until Im beginning to ran out of breath

"There she is! Quick before she gets away again!"

I can hear their voices... Theyre chasing after me, planning to punish me for what I havent done...

I grip my brothers hand tighter as he's already growing tired from the running since earlier.

I can fly away yes. But then, they would just find my lower half and then that way they could succesfuly kill me.

And Im pretty surey brothers beginning to get dehydrated as he never got any ounce of water since earlier.

Uncle... Why do you have to go when we need you the most..?

We used to be happy... Just living a normal life except that I'm a manananggal and my brothers a sirena.

But that didnt really affect us in anyway as my uncle make me used into eating normal animal meats instead one of humans.

I even have lots and lots of friends! But it all change when I accidentally said something...

Something I shouldnt have said or maybe all of this wouldnt happen at all! Its all my fault! I shouldnt have said that were different!

But I trusted her... Sydney... She's my best friend so I thought it would be just fine..

But I cant forget her expression full of fear as she ran out of our small hut screaming. She's the one who spread it that we were different. W-we... They said we were monsters...

But I cant blame them... Because its my fault!

Its my fault uncle died!

Its my fault that we became the scape goat of the whole village! Always blaming us whenever any accident happen as if were bad lucks..

Its my fault that me and my brother could die at any moment now...

Its my fault eldest brother left us...

I cant stop the tears that finally streamed down my face as I continue running.

Its all my fault...


Because of my vision being blurry from the tears I didnt see where I was going so I stumble on a rock falling on the ground as I dragged my brother with me.

We rolled a few times until I landed on some ground. It was muddy and wet as I frantically move my hands until I touch wate. I notice that we were already at the edge of the village as this river is tbe border.


I quickly began standing up just for me to fall on my knees. I cant stand up as my adrenaline from earlier finally wears off.

Nonononono! I need to get my brother there as fast as possible!

I tried standing up again just to fall on my back this time.

I look at my brother and almost gave up when I saw him almost out of breath and looks like he's dying already but no!

I sat up slightly and grab his torso. I groaned as I pull him up, my limbs and muscle scream from pain as my legs began feeling numb. I began crawling towards the river. And its succesful!

I plop to the water seeing as my brother began healing and getting his fish tail out again.

But one problem. I can swim yes but right now in my condition where I cant move anything at all? No.

So I began sinking and so does my brother but theres no need to worry about him as he can breath underwater.

Unlike me.

Bubbles began leaving my mouth. I can feel the pain of water forcefully entering my mouth and nose. Filling up my lungs.

It hurts!

My vision began fading away. Darkness began welcoming me...

The only thing I can feel before I lose my consciousness is a splash and its as if something or someone is making its way towards us...

Its probably the villagers...

So I cant even save myself in my dying moments huh..? How...useless...

And with that I finally close my eyes.

𝕋𝕒𝕘𝕦-𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕦𝕒𝕟 (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now