A Bond

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It is a journey with no destination,
It is a path with no diversions,
It is a debate where no one looses,
It is a privilage no one chooses,
It is a heavenly gift of the worthy,
It is a bond that ain't no earthly,
It sustains in the burning core,
It nourishes in the heart galore,
It is the melody of the windchimes,
It is the gaudy golden skyline,
It is the hardcore of laughter,
It is the petrichor of rain after,
It is the holy of scriptures,
It is the young beans in rupture,
It is the fragrance of love,
It is the white of the dove,
It is the splendid arc of the rainbow,
It is the green escapezone,
It is the glory of the crown of the King,
It is the magnificance with which the Queen her sword clings,
It is the cuddling up in mother's bossom,
It is a lifetime full of unrest never ruesome,
It is just sitting together by the lamp post on a deserted street,
Is the bond of friendship bittersweet.

- A.M.

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