To Make a Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

Getting away from Hell was, probably, one of my biggest dreams. But She's right - it's impossible. It will follow me everywhere, no matter how I feel about it.

And I would consider learning about other worlds, especially Earth, as another dream. Although, at this point, I don't know if I will actually get to do so. Thanks to the mess in Hell I have been stuck in a building, barely learning about humans. But when it's all over - which it will be, soon - I will have more freedom here, and hopefully, fulfil such hope. In my current situation, it's the only dream that seems possible.

But nothing is in my hands. My future does not depend on me, and I don't think it ever will.

—I sacrifice my destiny. —I mutter, —I'm leaving it in the hands of the gods. I'm sure they know what to do with it. I trust them. —

When I throw my doll into the fire, red and green flames engulf it.

—Well done. —Sabrina smiles.

I walk back to my spot, just as Barney starts making his way to the altar. Victoire looks at me with worry, I don't know if it's for herself or me, but I can only whisper,

—She knows. —

It takes about six minutes for everyone in the circle to complete their sacrifice. Next should be the bread eating, but Sabrina has another plan, standing in front of the fire and facing us, ready to start a monologue.

She puts Her hands behind Her back. —I have to sacrifice something, too. But I have already sacrificed too much the last few years, in order to achieve the goal everyone here knows. Today, my sacrifices have proved to be successful, and I can only thank the gods for that. —She points at Victoire, —Come here. —

She doubts for a second, looking at all of us, and we just nod. When she starts walking to Her, I follow from close, and stand behind her when Sabrina crosses Her arms looking at us two.

—I didn't call you, Kid. —

I straighten my posture. —I don't care. —

She rolls Her eyes, and again, talks to the public. —I present to you, the heir of Hell! A demon who doesn't even know anything about demons. It almost made my sacrifices useless. But the gods helped me and now, it's standing in front of me, and my goal is closer than it's ever been. —She puts Her hand on Victoire's shoulder, —Kneel. —

She does as She asked, but I'm still standing.

Sabrina puts Her hand out, and Victoire puts hers on it, for Her to check it out. —Unbelievable, you were conceived? I mean, you do look like him. I didn't know my brother's love for humanity went that far. He's too hedonistic sometimes. —She drops her hand, —Where's the sword? —Victoire shakes her head, and She looks at me, —You have it, don't you? Give it to me. —

I can do this. Victoire's life is on the line. —Yes, I do. —I walk until I'm standing between them, —But I will give it to you after we talk. —

—We're talking already, and we talked before. There isn't anything left to talk about. —

—There is. —I put my chin up, —I found the heir, and she will give up the throne. You will get the sword. You will be queen. There is no point in killing her; it would be a waste of time. Especially in front of your entire coven. —

She chuckles, —They've seen me kill before. Why do you care so much about one demon? —

—I care about my kind. —

—Oh. —Her face drops. —You don't have any idea on what's best for your kind. —

I nod. —Sure, but maybe I know what's best for your image. You should not kill her, in front of your coven and during Lughnasadh. It would disrespect the day, wouldn't it? It would ruin everyone's mood for what's left of the ritual. —

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